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USA UK and Malta News
07/09/2008 - 19:05

USA Today Editoweb 7 septembre 2008

Obama: Recession could delay rescinding tax cuts - Biden says he looks forward to debate with Palin - Obama, McCain call for changes in mortgage giants.

Obama: Recession could delay rescinding tax cuts

Democrat Barack Obama says he would delay rescinding President Bush's tax cuts on wealthy Americans if he becomes the next president and the economy is in a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy.

Biden says he looks forward to debate with Palin

Democrat Joe Biden says he's debated "an awful lot of tough, smart women" throughout his career and that next month's vice presidential debate with Republican Sarah Palin will be no exception. But he'd like to know where she stands on issues.

Obama, McCain call for changes in mortgage giants

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama said Saturday that any government takeover of troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac must put the interests of taxpayers and homeowners first. His opponent, GOP nominee John McCain, said it was essential to restructure the mortgage giants.

McCain-Palin becoming Palin-McCain?

The banners, buttons and signs say McCain-Palin, but the crowds say something else.

Biden challenges Palin to take questions Politico

Joe Biden is accusing the McCain campaign of sequestering Sarah Palin, his counterpart on the Republican ticket, and challenged her Sunday to sit for network interviews.

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