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USA UK and Malta News
28/09/2008 - 22:50

USA Today Editoweb 28 septembre 2008

Congress expected to pass rescue package - Economy's spring rebound was bit less energetic - Jobless claims pushed to 7-year high.

Congress expected to pass rescue package

Congressional leaders and the White House agreed Sunday to a $700 billion rescue of the ailing financial industry after lawmakers insisted on sharing spending controls with the Bush administration. The biggest U.S. bailout in history won the tentative support of both presidential candidates and goes to the House for a vote Monday.

Economy's spring rebound was bit less energetic

The economy's spring rebound turned out to be slightly less energetic than the government previously thought. And, the road ahead is likely to be rocky as the country gets pounded by the worst financial crisis in decades.

Jobless claims pushed to 7-year high

New claims for unemployment benefits jumped last week to their highest level in seven years due to the impact of a slowing economy and Hurricanes Ike and Gustav, the Labor Department reported Thursday.

Durable goods orders drop 4.5 percent in August

Orders for big-ticket manufactured goods plunged in August by the largest amount in seven months as demand for both airplanes and autos fell sharply.

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