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USA UK and Malta News
21/09/2008 - 20:59

USA Today Editoweb 21 septembre 2008

Banks, Wall Street firms borrow more from Fed - Jobless claims rise due to Hurricane Gustav - Fed leaves key rate unchanged.

Banks, Wall Street firms borrow more from Fed

Banks and Wall Street firms ramped up borrowing from the Federal Reserve's emergency lending facility over the past week, a fresh sign of the credit stresses plaguing the country.

Jobless claims rise due to Hurricane Gustav

New applications for unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly last week, largely due to Hurricane Gustav, the government said Thursday, adding further strain to the economy.

Fed leaves key rate unchanged

The Federal Reserve kept a key interest rate unchanged Tuesday, saying that strains in financial markets have "increased significantly" but that it would keep an eye on them and act, if needed.

Australia leads Asia's wheat bowl recovery

Asia's wheat stockpiles are set to grow this year as major exporter Australia, along with China and India, forecast larger crops, raising the prospect of lower prices for the golden grain, analysts say.

Central banks may expand range of collateral: Nikkei Reuters

Central banks in the United States, Europe and Japan will consider taking foreign-denominated assets as collateral in an effort to provide liquidity for battered financial markets, the Nikkei newspaper said on Sunday.

From boom to bust, China's stocks casino loses luster

China's middle-class moms and blue-collar pensioners were among the world's most avid and successful investors last year. Now their record is one of lost fortunes, broken families and protest.

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