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USA UK and Malta News
07/01/2008 - 00:07

USA today, Editoweb, 6 jan 2008

Ice slows cleanup in flooded Nev. town; 6 killed in plane crash off Alaska ; Cape Cod population aging rapidly; Court takes up lethal injection case ; Does Obama's win show US is colorblind?

Ice slows cleanup in flooded Nev. town
Hundreds of homes sat in as much as 8 feet of water Sunday following a canal rupture as freezing weather spread sheets of ice over yards and streets, hindering efforts to get the water to drain away.

6 killed in plane crash off Alaska
A chartered plane that crashed into a shallow harbor after taking off from Kodiak Island, killing six people, was carrying a group of fishermen from a dissident sect of the Russian Orthodox Church home for Christmas.

Cape Cod population aging rapidly
When Leon Michelove sits back to enjoy the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra, it's obvious to him something about the audience has changed.

Court takes up lethal injection case
A quarter-century has elapsed since the U.S. experienced as long a pause in executions as the one the Supreme Court has occasioned with its current examination of lethal injections.

Does Obama's win show US is colorblind?
Ray Ballentine was waiting for a sign to throw his support to Barack Obama. And when Obama coasted to victory in Iowa's caucuses, there it was — evidence that the senator had the broad racial appeal to get to the White House.

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