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USA UK and Malta News
29/11/2008 - 19:37

USA Today Editoweb 29 november 2008

US Jewish, meditation groups' members die in India - 50 years after school inferno, scars remain - Endeavour's astronauts await permission to land.

US Jewish, meditation groups' members die in India

Rabbi Gavriel Noach Holtzberg and his wife worked tirelessly after they landed in India to run a Jewish outreach center, serving homemade kosher meals to their many guests and strengthening their connection with God.

50 years after school inferno, scars remain

Seven-year-old Dan Taglia heard the fire alarm bell from his classroom on Dec. 1, 1958, but hoped it was a signal that students were getting ice cream. It was too late in the day for a fire drill, and anyway the nuns wouldn't send the children out coatless on such a cold day.

Endeavour's astronauts await permission to land

Endeavour's seven astronauts entered their last full day in space Saturday awaiting word if mission managers had cleared the space shuttle for a return to Earth.

Customer memorialized by chair at NY Starbucks

One customer's favorite purple velvet chair at a Starbucks in a New York suburb has become a memorial.

Bases brace for surge in stress-related disorders

Some 15,000 soldiers are heading home to this sprawling base after spending more than a year at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and military health officials are bracing for a surge in brain injuries and psychological problems among those troops.

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