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USA UK and Malta News
28/11/2008 - 20:11

USA Today Editoweb 28 november 2008

Jewish group confirms rabbi, wife killed in India - Ex-terrorism prosecutor flags flaws at tribunal - National heritage day honors American Indians - Bulldog Haven: Cemetery for Ga.'s die-hard Dawgs.

Jewish group confirms rabbi, wife killed in India

An ultra-orthodox Jewish group based in Brooklyn confirmed that a New York rabbi and his wife are among the dead in the India terrorist attack.

Ex-terrorism prosecutor flags flaws at tribunal

Like many human rights observers, Anthony Barkow has harsh words about the government's treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. But Barkow offers a unique perspective: He's the only observer who successfully prosecuted terrorist sympathizers in his former life as an assistant U.S. attorney in Manhattan.

National heritage day honors American Indians

For the first time, federal legislation has set aside the day after Thanksgiving — for this year only — to honor the contributions American Indians have made to the United States.

Bulldog Haven: Cemetery for Ga.'s die-hard Dawgs

You've heard of die-hard football fans, but a cemetery plot devoted to former University of Georgia players and their families takes the cliche beyond the grave.

Western governors to Obama: Act quickly on energy

The governors of the nation's largest energy-producing states are encouraging President-elect Barack Obama to quickly adopt a national energy policy that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Gift certificates for birth control? Foes say bah!

At the Planned Parenthood of Indiana, 'tis the season of giving health care and contraception. But it's a sentiment that opponents of abortion and artificial birth control say denigrates the holiday season.

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