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USA UK and Malta News
13/11/2008 - 20:31

USA Today Editoweb 13 november 2008

October budget deficit hits record of $237.2B - Jobless claims jump unexpectedly to 7-year high -
Jobless claims surge while trade deficit narrows.

October budget deficit hits record of $237.2B

The federal government began the new budget year with a record deficit of $237.2 billion, reflecting the billions of dollars the government has started to pay out to rescue the financial system.

Jobless claims jump unexpectedly to 7-year high

The number of newly laid-off individuals seeking unemployment benefits has jumped to a level not seen since just after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, as companies cut more jobs in the face of a slowing economy.

Jobless claims surge while trade deficit narrows

Applications for unemployment benefits soared to the highest level since just after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks while the trade deficit shrank more than expected as demand for imports plunged, further evidence of the struggling U.S. economy.

Gay activists rally outside Mormon temple in NYC

Carrying signs reading "Love not H8" and "Did you cast a ballot or a stone?", a large crowd of gay-marriage supporters gathered outside a Mormon temple to protest the church's endorsement of a same-sex marriage ban in California.

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