USA UK and Malta News
01/02/2004 - 10:55

USA Today Editoweb 11 septembre 2008

McCain and Obama commemorate 9/11 anniversary - Poll: Swing state voters approve of Palin - Former GOP senator calls Palin a 'cocky wacko'.

McCain and Obama commemorate 9/11 anniversary

Recalling the nation's unity in a time of peril seven years ago, presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama placed their partisan contest on hold Thursday and spoke as one in honoring of the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Poll: Swing state voters approve of Palin

THE POLL: Quinnipiac University poll, presidential race in Florida (27 electoral votes) among likely voters

Former GOP senator calls Palin a 'cocky wacko'

Former Rhode Island Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee has called vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin a "cocky wacko" and said her selection as John McCain's running mate has energized supporters of Democrat Barack Obama.

Film shows McCain's release from Vietnamese prison

Swedish broadcaster SVT on Thursday released a previously unseen film clip purportedly showing the release of presidential candidate John McCain to the U.S. military in Hanoi in 1973.

GOP foreign policy experts cool on Palin Politico

In state after state, rally after rally, Sarah Palin is generating record levels of enthusiasm among the Republican base. Crowds chant her name, congressional candidates cite her in their ads and there are numerous reports of a surge in grass-roots volunteers for the McCain campaign.

GOP foreign policy experts cool on Palin Politico

In state after state, rally after rally, Sarah Palin is generating record levels of enthusiasm among the Republican base. Crowds chant her name, congressional candidates cite her in their ads and there are numerous reports of a surge in grass-roots volunteers for the McCain campaign.

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