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USA UK and Malta News
12/06/2012 - 21:33

Malta news: kids in music

Malta news: kids in music - Making music for kids - Warning signs in Qalet Marku area go unheeded - Debono: Reform in justice and home affairs was slow and half-hearted.

Malta news: kids in music
Making music for kids
An MCAST and Vodafone Malta Foundation music video initiative has raised a generous sum of €2,300 for children housed at Piccola Casa di San Giuseppe in Valletta. The music video produced last December ran in all Vodafone stores across Malta and Gozo and on Vodafone’s Facebook page generated much interest and proved to be a good tool to raise funds for charity. The sum was presented by Roberta Pace and Daniel Bruno from Vodafone, MCAST lecturer Keith Abela, MCAST Institute of Art and Design director Stephen Vella and deputy director Melanie Mizzi, to the Ursuline Sisters of Piccola Casa. The music video was produced in its entirety by year two students pursuing an extended diploma in creative media production at MCAST Art and Design. Most of the filming took place in MCAST’s new state-of-the-art full HD TV studio in Mosta. Led by media lecturer Keith Abela, a strong team of 20 students joined forces with Vodafone customer care team members for the production of the video. (independent.com.mt) Music is the solution to all ills.

Warning signs in Qalet Marku area go unheeded
Despite numerous signs warning the public not to plunge into the waters located next to the Mag?tab landfill as this zone is unfit for swimming, several people including families with children are simply ignoring this advice and potentially exposing themselves to various health hazards. A Health Ministry spokesperson told this newspaper that this area was officially identified as a non-bathing zone some years ago on the recommendation of the then Environment Protection Department (now forming part of Mepa) which was based on a study carried out in 2004 by Prof. Victor Asciaq. This report had indicated possible contamination by leaching from the uncontrolled landfill of Mag?tab of the sediment of the Qalet Marku zone. Samples to monitor the water quality of the various swimming zones in the Maltese Islands are collected on a weekly basis from May till October. The tests include microbiological parameters, as required under the Management of Bathing Water Quality Regulations of 2008 and 2011. Regarding the immediate risk due to microbiological contamination, the directorate claimed that this is very low since there is no sewage infrastructure in the area. It is worth noting however that this cannot be officially confirmed as no samples are collected in this zone since it is not an official bathing site. The Health Ministry added that chemical contamination falls within the remit of Mepa, but no updates indicating any improvements have been received by this directorate. It added that the Directorate’s remit is to keep the general public informed about those zones where bathing is recommended or otherwise, specifying that it is the individual who is ultimately responsible to follow or not such recommendations.(independent.com.mt) The people can not help doing what he should not do.

Debono: Reform in justice and home affairs was slow and half-hearted
Urgent need for separation of the judicial and inquiring role of magistrates. UPDATED: Nationalist MP Franco Debono said this evening that his private motion on justice and home affairs was meant to spark much needed reform after years of slow and half-hearted action. Dr Debono was speaking in parliament as he introduced a motion which he had announced last November. The motion provides, among other points, for: Separation of prosecution and investigative functions of the police, better equipment for the police, separation of inquiring magistrates from magistrates who sit in judgement, a new method of appointing judges, a raising of their retirement age and improvement of their conditions; a revision of the role and powers of the Attorney General; a reform of court procedures; a reform of the Office of Legal Aid; a reform of the Family Law, particularly the mediation service; the creation of a Drug Court; a law to regulate the legal profession; the transfer of authority for the issue of warrants for wire tabs to the courts from the minister; revision of the libel laws and a revision of the law courts. Dr Debono at the opening of his speech also added a call for the setting up of a Supreme Court or equivalent and a study how the jury system could be improved. At the opening of his speech, Dr Debono said this motion was the fruit of years of experience. The purpose of the motion, he said, was to serve as a catalyst, a spark, to bring about reform. There appeared to be wide-ranging agreement on most of the points he was making in the motion, he said. Most people also agreed on their urgency, especially where human rights were involved.(timesofmalta.com) Hesitation is never good.
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