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USA UK and Malta News
31/07/2008 - 20:23

USA Today Editoweb 31july 2008

McCain campaign accuses Obama of playing race card - Ron Paul followers pose danger for McCain in West -
Bush says coal part of his "sprint to the finish".

McCain campaign accuses Obama of playing race card

John McCain's campaign accused Barack Obama on Thursday of playing racial politics a day after the Democratic candidate predicted Republicans would try to scare voters by pointing out "he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

McCain campaign accuses Obama of playing race card

Three months before Election Day, John McCain's stepped up aggression begs the question: Will voters vote for the scold?

Ron Paul followers pose danger for McCain in West

Dueling delegations pitting Ron Paul's Nevada supporters against those of John McCain vow to take their fight to the Republican National Convention.

Bush says coal part of his "sprint to the finish"

WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W.Va. - President Bush says he's using his last six months in office to push new energy plans that include electricity from coal.

Bush declares progress in Iraq war

President Bush hailed a new "degree of durability" in security gains in Iraq Thursday, saying it should permit him to announce further U.S. troop reductions later this year.

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