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USA UK and Malta News
24/04/2008 - 20:13

UK Today Editoweb, 24 april 2008

US Today Editoweb, 24 april 2008 - Banks urged to concede defeat - Father Found Hanged In House Fire

William stretches his wings

Prince William used a Chinook helicopter to fly over royal residences, according to new reports.
It is claimed William flew over his father's Highgrove home in Gloucestershire on April 2 and over Sandringham, the Queen's residence in Norfolk, a week later.

The Prince reportedly also used the Chinook to fly to Hexham, Northumberland, to join a wedding party on April 4.

Banks urged to concede defeat

The major High Street banks have come under pressure from consumer groups to admit defeat and cut their charges for unauthorised overdrafts in the wake of a High Court ruling won by the Office of Fair Trading.

A judge held that the fees levied on customers who exceed their agreed overdraft limit are subject to regulation by the OFT under "unfair contract" rules.

The decision paves the way for a further hearing to decide whether the charges are actually unfair and, if so, what a fair charge should be.

Father Found Hanged In House Fire

The father of a six-year-old boy killed in a house fire was discovered hanging in an adjacent garage, police have confirmed.

Christopher Townsend, 51, was found dead as his son, Charlie-Bob, was trapped inside their burning home in the village of Long Ashton, North Somerset.

Neighbours of Mr Townsend - a set-designer for the BBC TV drama series Casualty - claimed he had recently been involved in a custody battle with his ex-wife over their children.

Govt endures day of strikes, led by teachers

 Thousands of schools were closed or seriously disrupted Thursday as teachers staged a one-day strike over pay in their first nationwide industrial action in two decades.

The mass action by about 300,000 teachers and 100,000 other public sector workers is the latest setback for Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the governing Labour Party, already under fire for its tax reform plans.

Members of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) were joined on picket lines by those from the University and College Union while civil servants, including coastguards, passport workers and job centre employees also walked out.

Firms' errors 'hitting NHS surgery'

NHS operations are being cancelled - sometimes when patients are already anaesthetised - due to private decontamination firms damaging equipment or causing delays, the Royal College of Surgeons has warned.

The Government has encouraged NHS trusts to use private companies for sterilising operating theatre tools but surgeons are finding an array of problems, it said.

A survey of more than 250 surgeons carried out by the college found two-thirds were unhappy with the availability and condition of instruments sent for sterilisation away from hospital.

News from Yahoo News
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