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USA UK and Malta News
07/11/2007 - 22:50

Editoweb: USA today 7 nov 2007

A student gets detention for hugging - Governor arrives at prison - The jury found Ted Klaudt guilty - Skakel lawyers seek new trial - Texas court now taking death row appeals by e-mail.

A student gets detention for hugging
Two hugs equals two days of detention for 13-year-old Megan Coulter. The eighth-grader was punished for violating a school policy banning public displays of affection when she hugged two friends Friday.
"I feel it is crazy," said Megan, who was to serve her second detention Tuesday after classes at Mascoutah Middle School.

Governor arrives at prison
Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan arrived at a rural federal prison Wednesday to begin serving a 6 1/2-year sentence for corruption.
Ryan, 73, entered the federal correctional center at noon, going in through a back gate, Bureau of Prisons spokeswoman Felicia Ponce said.
He joined 206 other inmates at the minimum security camp about 60 miles north of Madison...

The jury found Ted Klaudt guilty
A former state lawmaker was convicted of raping two former foster daughters during physical examinations that he claimed would help them sell their reproductive eggs.
The jury on Tuesday found Ted Klaudt guilty of all four counts of second-degree rape after deliberating for three hours. Klaudt, 49, could get as many as 25 years in prison for each count when he is sentenced in January.

Skakel lawyers seek new trial
Lawyers for Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, convicted for the 1975 killing of a teenage neighbor, have gone to federal court seeking a new trial.
The petition comes less than two weeks after Skakel was denied a new trial in state Superior Court. He had previously tried to get a new trial by claiming newly discovered evidence.
"We intend to pursue every legal avenue available to us in order to overturn the wrongful conviction of Michael Skakel," attorney Hope Seeley said Tuesday.

Texas court now taking death row appeals by e-mail
A Texas court said it will accept emergency electronic filings for death row inmates, more than a month after a judge refused to keep the office open past closing time to receive appeals from a man who was executed hours later.
In a posting on its Web Site on Tuesday, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals said it will accept emergency e-mail pleadings.

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