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USA UK and Malta News
10/09/2012 - 22:39

Bathing now banned in Malta

Bathing now banned in St George's Bay. Afghan Taliban threaten to kidnap and kill Prince Harry.

Bathing now banned in Malta
Bathing now banned in St George's Bay
St George's Bay in St Julian's has been added to the list of beaches where no swimming is being allowed because of a sewage overflow. Xlendi and Fekruna in St Paul's Bay were put on the list last week after the Monday storm. The Environmental Health Directorate said that until further notice, bathing was not recommended in St George's Bay due to possible sewage overflow. The ban on swimming in Xlendi and Fekruna is still in place.(timesofmalta.com) What the state can be to clean beaches?

Afghan Taliban threaten to kidnap and kill Prince Harry
The Afghan Taliban said today they were doing everything in their power to try to kidnap or assassinate Britain's Prince Harry, who arrived in Afghanistan last week to fly attack helicopters. Queen Elizabeth's grandson is in Afghanistan on a four-month tour, based out of Camp Bastion in the volatile Helmand province, where he will be on the front line in the NATO-led war against Taliban insurgents. "We are using all our strength to get rid of him, either by killing or kidnapping," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location. "We have informed our commanders in Helmand to do whatever they can to eliminate him," Mujahid added, declining to go into detail on what he dubbed the "Harry operations". Britain's Ministry of Defence declined to comment on Mujahid's statement, and British authorities have given few details of Prince Harry's stint in Afghanistan for security reasons. The 27-year-old prince, who is third in line to the throne, took up his new role two weeks after being photographed frolicking naked in Las Vegas.(timesofmalta.com) Why the Taliban detest everything that is foreign to their.
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