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USA UK and Malta News
20/11/2007 - 22:48

UK today 20 nov 2007 - Editoweb

Returning soldiers honoured - Child benefit database crisis - Queen Elizabeth II arrives for 60th wedding anniversary stop in Malta - Scottish and Newcastle upbeat on BBH row with Carlsberg - Skin cells transformed without embryos.

Returning soldiers honoured
Five hundred soldiers from The Royal Anglian Regiment have been honoured in a homecoming parade. Friends, family and well-wishers gave their thanks to the troops for fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. During the gruelling six-month tour nine comrades were killed and scores more were injured.

Child benefit database crisis
Millions are being told to check their finances as the Chancellor says discs containing the entire child benefit database are missing. Alistair Darling told the Commons that the missing Revenue and Customs information contains details of 25 million people and 7.25 million families.
They were sent to the National Audit Office (NAO) but never arrived and the loss was not reported for three weeks.

Queen Elizabeth II arrives for 60th wedding anniversary stop in Malta
Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived on Tuesday in Malta, where they lived for two years as young newlyweds, for a private celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary.
The royal couple staged a brief walkabout in the Upper Barrakka Gardens overlooking Valletta's Grand Harbour in mild weather.

Scottish and Newcastle upbeat on BBH row with Carlsberg
British brewer Scottish and Newcastle said Tuesday that it was confident of winning control of Russian joint venture BBH following a bitter row with co-owner Carlsberg.
S&N, maker of Foster's lager and Strongbow cider, had earlier this month rejected a hostile takeover bid from Danish group Carlsberg and Dutch peer Heineken worth 7.3 billion pounds (10.2 billion euros, 15.0 billion dollars).

Skin cells transformed without embryos
Researchers have transformed ordinary human skin cells into batches of cells that look and act like embryonic stem cells -- but without using cloning technology and without making embryos.
Their breakthroughs, reported on Tuesday, could make possible the long-sought goal of tailor-made medicine, but without the political, scientific and ethical roadblock of using human eggs or embryos.

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