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USA UK and Malta News
21/01/2012 - 10:34

Sails manufacturers in Malta

The meeting place for yacht men and sails manufacturers in Malta is The Royal Malta Yacht Club, Ta' Xbiex Seafront, XBX 1028 Ta' Xbiex Malta (+356 21 333 109), founding member of the Malta Sailing Federation.

Sails manufacturers in Malta
The Royal Malta Yacht Club is the meeting favored place for yacht men and sails manufacturers in Malta. After a race, for a cruise, to fish or to meet other yacht men, you will enjoy spending time at the Royal Malta Yacht Club. You will find services specifically dedicated to yacht men as the spinnaker which is the official publication of the Royal Malta Yacht Club, a cruising section, the organization of races, a shop for yacht men, a restaurant, and also sails manufacturers in Malta.
 Indeed, it is not always easy to find sails manufacturers in Malta that will satisfy your desires and the needs of your boat. Thus in the Royal Malta Yacht Club, you will meet with ease the sails manufacturers in Malta who will share their experiences and their passion. A wide selection of sails available to you such as cruising sails, racing sails-cruising, regattas sails... so it is important to rely on a professional who will guide you in the choice of what will make your cruise or your race a wonderful memory.
The sails manufacturers in Malta you'll meet at the Royal Malta Yacht Club will listen to understand your needs regardless of your boat and its use. Whether you are an occasional yacht man, homebuilder, passionate of regattas, the sails manufacturers in Malta are committed to providing the best sails. From first contact to installation, sails manufacturers in Malta are with you throughout the process. You want your dream becomes a reality? Then go to Royal Malta Yacht Club to meet the best sails manufacturers in Malta.

For sails manufacturers in Malta go to:
Royal Malta Yacht Club
Ta' Xbiex Seafront
XBX 1028 Ta' Xbiex Malta
Tel: +356 21 333 109
Email: info@rmyc.org
Report prepared by Magesta ltd Malta , Phone: 356 79 497 482 & 356 21 375 393, 47 Triq L’Adrijatiku, The Village, San Gwann MALTA www.magestanews.com
H V-N / IPublireportage
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