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USA UK and Malta News
22/04/2008 - 21:51

UK today, Editoweb, 22 april 2008

Borrowers rates 'unlikely to fall'; Brown meets rebel MPs over tax row; Historic meeting of liners in British port; Oil firm takes action against union; Darling promise over tax change.

Borrowers rates 'unlikely to fall'
Mortgage lenders have warned the Government that rates for new borrowers are unlikely to come down despite Monday's intervention by the Bank of England.

Some of the UK's biggest mortgage lenders, who met the Chancellor on Tuesday, are understood to have told him that the cost of deals for new borrowers was likely to stay high for the foreseeable future.

Brown meets rebel MPs over tax row
More than 35 Labour MPs have signed a rebel motion against Prime Minister Gordon Brown's decision to scrap the 10p tax rate.

Mr Brown cancelled his diary commitments on Monday night to hold an emergency meeting with backbenchers and urged them not to vote against him.

Historic meeting of liners in British port
Three British liners known as Cunard's "Queens" met in a historic first in their home port of Southampton on Tuesday.

The 148,000-tonne Queen Mary 2, the world's biggest transatlantic cruise ship, and Cunard's newest 'Queen', Queen Victoria, saluted the venerable QE2 on the day she celebrated the 39th anniversary of her official entry into service.

Oil firm takes action against union
The company which owns the giant oil refinery threatened with a strike in a bitter row over pensions has announced it is taking legal action against the union which represents its workers.

Darling promise over tax change
Action to compensate low-income households who lose out from the abolition of the 10p income tax rate will take effect within this financial year, Chancellor Alistair Darling has promised Labour MPs.

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