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USA UK and Malta News
29/11/2007 - 23:46

Editoweb: UK today, 29 nov 2007 - Police to probe Labour donations

British teacher jailed for 15 days in Sudan - Police to probe Labour donations - Scottish elections provide 'lessons for UK' - Mobile phone explosion kills man.

British teacher jailed for 15 days in Sudan
A British teacher accused of insulting Muslims after her class called a teddy bear Mohammad was found guilty and sentenced to 15 days in jail on Thursday, her defence team said.
Gillian Gibbons, 54, was also ordered to be deported. "She was found guilty of insulting religion and the sentence is 15 days (in jail) and deportation," a member of the defence team Ali Ajib said after the trial in a Khartoum courtroom, which lasted less than a day.

Police to probe Labour donations
Police were asked on Thursday to investigate secret donations to the ruling Labour Party, dealing a new setback to Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Brown, in power for five months, has suffered a series of mishaps, including the first run on a British bank in more than a century and news last week the government had lost computer discs containing personal details of half the nation.

Scottish elections provide 'lessons for UK'
A new report into the Scottish elections fiasco has said there are lessons to be learnt for the whole of the UK.
Following major problems with May's Scottish Parliament and local polls, the Electoral Commission has come up with a number of recommendations to avoid a repeat of the situation.
Canadian elections expert Ron Gould was tasked by the commission with finding solutions to the problems that arose from holding the elections at the same time and other complications.
The report recommended that future Scottish Parliament and local elections are separated, "preferably" by a period of about two years.

Mobile phone explosion kills man
A South Korean man has died after a mobile phone apparently exploded in his pocket.
Local police and doctors said that the phone's battery appeared to have exploded in the man's top pocket, causing severe chest injuries.
A fellow worker at the quarry where the 33 year-old victim worked discovered the man, surnamed Seo, lying on the ground at around 8.00am on Wednesday morning.

News from yahoo news
J. B. / Source Web
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