Court: Marsascala murder: Witness describes ganglandshootout
It was like figures from the underworld were fighting it out in Marsascala when a gunfight led to the death of one man and the serious injury of another earlier this month, a court heard yesterday. The scene was described by Police Inspector James Grech where Magistrate Tonio Micallef Trigona started hearing evidence against Cospicua-born Joseph Cutajar, 45, of Marsascala, who is charged with, among other things, the killing on 15 March of Kevin Gatt, iż-Żibġi, and the attempted murder of, and causing serious injury to Steve Zammit. Inspector Grech testified that in a statement to the police, Mr Cutajar said two persons were driving aggressively towards him in a Hyundai and as they came up to him he put his hand into their car and grabbed their weapon. At one point they drove at speed towards him as he was in his BMW and he heard the driver tell his passenger to shoot him. The inspector was duty at the Department of Criminal Investigations and at about 7.30pm he heard on the control room radio that a woman had lodged a report that a shot had been fired at a car in Triq Guzeppi Lanzon, Marsascala.(independent.com.mt) It's always unfortunate to get caught, especially when you are not totally innocent
The euro crisis: The worst ‘is over’
There is still a long way to go and things are still rather fragile, but the general consensus in the centre of Germany is that the worst of the crisis is over and that things can only get better. On a visitors’ programme organised by the European Academy, most of the conversations held with key people in the German government and Parliament are on an Off-the-Record basis and cannot be directly reported, but they are sufficiently authoritative to guarantee more than sufficient credibility. In the words of one whose name can be given, Dr Ulrike Guerot from the European Council on Foreign Relations, the big, fundamental change came last August and turned the German position around. Prior to that, Germany was seriously tempted to give up on Europe and some voices were even considering a unilateral exit from the euro, but then as the situation became really serious and as Italy and Spain weakened in the international markets, Germany realised that it could not abandon Europe; it is an integral part of Europe and it wanted to save Europe. This would look, at least in Dr Guerot’s words, like a Damascene conversion, but one key component of it happened in those same days within the German Christian Democrat Party, the party of Angela Merkel.(independent.com.mt) I understand that Germany wants to annex Europe.
Man lost at sea in 1998 declared dead
A man who was lost at sea in 1998 has been officially declared dead following a request to this effect filed by his widow and children before the Civil Court. Mr Justice Mark Chetcuti heard that in 1998 Monica Fenech was informed by her father-in-law that her husband, Mario Fenech, had gone to sea and had not returned. Mr and Mrs Fenech had three children, while Mr Fenech also had a daughter from another relationship. On the following day, Mrs Fenech learned that a vessel had sunk between Malta and Sicily and that the two persons on board, Mario Fenech and Fathi Ben Habib had not been rescued. An official of the local Armed Forces had called Mrs Fenech and told her that her husband's vessel had been spotted under water. The body of Fathi Ben Habib had been recovered by the Italian Navy but in the course of the salvage operation, Mr Fenech's body had fallen into the sea and was never recovered. In its judgment, the court pointed out that it had to be satisfied that a missing person could be presumed dead after the lapse of 10 years from when he had last been seen. There was no doubt, said that court, that Mr Fenech was no longer alive. The newspaper reports at the time gave rise to a logical and reasonable presumption that he had died in an accident between Malta and Sicily.(timesofmalta.com) The mother sometimes carries a sailor regardless of consequences.
It was like figures from the underworld were fighting it out in Marsascala when a gunfight led to the death of one man and the serious injury of another earlier this month, a court heard yesterday. The scene was described by Police Inspector James Grech where Magistrate Tonio Micallef Trigona started hearing evidence against Cospicua-born Joseph Cutajar, 45, of Marsascala, who is charged with, among other things, the killing on 15 March of Kevin Gatt, iż-Żibġi, and the attempted murder of, and causing serious injury to Steve Zammit. Inspector Grech testified that in a statement to the police, Mr Cutajar said two persons were driving aggressively towards him in a Hyundai and as they came up to him he put his hand into their car and grabbed their weapon. At one point they drove at speed towards him as he was in his BMW and he heard the driver tell his passenger to shoot him. The inspector was duty at the Department of Criminal Investigations and at about 7.30pm he heard on the control room radio that a woman had lodged a report that a shot had been fired at a car in Triq Guzeppi Lanzon, Marsascala.(independent.com.mt) It's always unfortunate to get caught, especially when you are not totally innocent
The euro crisis: The worst ‘is over’
There is still a long way to go and things are still rather fragile, but the general consensus in the centre of Germany is that the worst of the crisis is over and that things can only get better. On a visitors’ programme organised by the European Academy, most of the conversations held with key people in the German government and Parliament are on an Off-the-Record basis and cannot be directly reported, but they are sufficiently authoritative to guarantee more than sufficient credibility. In the words of one whose name can be given, Dr Ulrike Guerot from the European Council on Foreign Relations, the big, fundamental change came last August and turned the German position around. Prior to that, Germany was seriously tempted to give up on Europe and some voices were even considering a unilateral exit from the euro, but then as the situation became really serious and as Italy and Spain weakened in the international markets, Germany realised that it could not abandon Europe; it is an integral part of Europe and it wanted to save Europe. This would look, at least in Dr Guerot’s words, like a Damascene conversion, but one key component of it happened in those same days within the German Christian Democrat Party, the party of Angela Merkel.(independent.com.mt) I understand that Germany wants to annex Europe.
Man lost at sea in 1998 declared dead
A man who was lost at sea in 1998 has been officially declared dead following a request to this effect filed by his widow and children before the Civil Court. Mr Justice Mark Chetcuti heard that in 1998 Monica Fenech was informed by her father-in-law that her husband, Mario Fenech, had gone to sea and had not returned. Mr and Mrs Fenech had three children, while Mr Fenech also had a daughter from another relationship. On the following day, Mrs Fenech learned that a vessel had sunk between Malta and Sicily and that the two persons on board, Mario Fenech and Fathi Ben Habib had not been rescued. An official of the local Armed Forces had called Mrs Fenech and told her that her husband's vessel had been spotted under water. The body of Fathi Ben Habib had been recovered by the Italian Navy but in the course of the salvage operation, Mr Fenech's body had fallen into the sea and was never recovered. In its judgment, the court pointed out that it had to be satisfied that a missing person could be presumed dead after the lapse of 10 years from when he had last been seen. There was no doubt, said that court, that Mr Fenech was no longer alive. The newspaper reports at the time gave rise to a logical and reasonable presumption that he had died in an accident between Malta and Sicily.(timesofmalta.com) The mother sometimes carries a sailor regardless of consequences.