Gonzi stresses need to be close to people
The Nationalist Party must strive to ensure it is close to the people, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said yesterday, a day after he was overwhelmingly confirmed as the party’s leader. At the PN council meeting yesterday morning, Dr Gonzi took the opportunity to announce, to loud applause, two initiatives which intend to ensure that the party was close to society. The first initiative announced was to appoint MEP Simon Busuttil as his special envoy to organise meetings with different economic and social sectors of society to listen to their thoughts and concerns. The meetings would be organised through the party’s AŻAD foundation, which Dr Busuttil presently chairs. The second initiative is on a similar vein: general secretary Paul Borg Olivier was tasked with organising meetings between ministers and society across the country.(independent.com.mt) It would be a maneuver that aims to bring together the leaders of the administration?
Franco Debono: 'Li tkisser sewwi'
Nationalist MP Franco Debono said in parliament this evening that in view of yesterday's acknowledgement by the prime minister that mistakes had been made by the government, the formula for the future should be based on the phrase li tkisser, sewwi. Referring to yesterday's speech by the prime minister, Dr Debono said that at last spin had given way to an acknowledgement of reality. Dr Gonzi had shown sensitivity in his speech yesterday. Over the past months, Dr Debono said, he had been insulted for standing up to complain that things were not going well, and he therefore welcomed Dr Gonzi's comments with open arms. Now that he was being proved right, he could not help wondering about those who had circulated a petition asking him to resign from the House. An apology was in order, he said. At least he should be thanked, like hundreds of people had thanked him. Dr Debono observed that over the past weeks, the metaphor of the car suffering a puncture had been used. But the problem was not the tyre - which was actually hard wearing, but the engine or the driver.(timesofmalta.com) So tell me how ... hum ... an engine or driver might burst a tire that would not be worn...
Government fails to set a date for opposition motion debate in parliament
The government this evening refused to set a date for a debate in parliament on an opposition motion on justice and home affairs. Opposition whip Joe Mizzi said at a meeting of the House Business Committee that the motion should be debated this week. Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici said the government's intention was for all private motions to be debated, but he could not give a date. Dr Mifsud Bonnici said parliament would this week continue its debate on the Collective Actions Bill and a resolution on Croatia's accession to the EU. The debate on the Croatia resolution would be continued next week and the House would then resume and hopefully concluded the debate on the Education Act and the Sustainable Development Act. Mr Mizzi and Opposition deputy leader Anglu Farrugia said the government had originally promised to hold the debate on the opposition motion by the end of January. Clearly, Mr Mizzi said, the government did not know where it stood in parliament.(timesofmalta.com) If the governance of Malta is too complicated for politicians, we must change this political class, even if only very slightly.
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The Nationalist Party must strive to ensure it is close to the people, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said yesterday, a day after he was overwhelmingly confirmed as the party’s leader. At the PN council meeting yesterday morning, Dr Gonzi took the opportunity to announce, to loud applause, two initiatives which intend to ensure that the party was close to society. The first initiative announced was to appoint MEP Simon Busuttil as his special envoy to organise meetings with different economic and social sectors of society to listen to their thoughts and concerns. The meetings would be organised through the party’s AŻAD foundation, which Dr Busuttil presently chairs. The second initiative is on a similar vein: general secretary Paul Borg Olivier was tasked with organising meetings between ministers and society across the country.(independent.com.mt) It would be a maneuver that aims to bring together the leaders of the administration?
Franco Debono: 'Li tkisser sewwi'
Nationalist MP Franco Debono said in parliament this evening that in view of yesterday's acknowledgement by the prime minister that mistakes had been made by the government, the formula for the future should be based on the phrase li tkisser, sewwi. Referring to yesterday's speech by the prime minister, Dr Debono said that at last spin had given way to an acknowledgement of reality. Dr Gonzi had shown sensitivity in his speech yesterday. Over the past months, Dr Debono said, he had been insulted for standing up to complain that things were not going well, and he therefore welcomed Dr Gonzi's comments with open arms. Now that he was being proved right, he could not help wondering about those who had circulated a petition asking him to resign from the House. An apology was in order, he said. At least he should be thanked, like hundreds of people had thanked him. Dr Debono observed that over the past weeks, the metaphor of the car suffering a puncture had been used. But the problem was not the tyre - which was actually hard wearing, but the engine or the driver.(timesofmalta.com) So tell me how ... hum ... an engine or driver might burst a tire that would not be worn...
Government fails to set a date for opposition motion debate in parliament
The government this evening refused to set a date for a debate in parliament on an opposition motion on justice and home affairs. Opposition whip Joe Mizzi said at a meeting of the House Business Committee that the motion should be debated this week. Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici said the government's intention was for all private motions to be debated, but he could not give a date. Dr Mifsud Bonnici said parliament would this week continue its debate on the Collective Actions Bill and a resolution on Croatia's accession to the EU. The debate on the Croatia resolution would be continued next week and the House would then resume and hopefully concluded the debate on the Education Act and the Sustainable Development Act. Mr Mizzi and Opposition deputy leader Anglu Farrugia said the government had originally promised to hold the debate on the opposition motion by the end of January. Clearly, Mr Mizzi said, the government did not know where it stood in parliament.(timesofmalta.com) If the governance of Malta is too complicated for politicians, we must change this political class, even if only very slightly.
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