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USA UK and Malta News
01/12/2007 - 23:33

Editoweb: USA today, 01 dec 2007

Hostage crisis ends peacefully - Black Leaders Torn Over Endorsement - Dozens hurt in Chicago train collision - 32 million tax refunds could be delayed - Snow and ice hit Midwest states.

Hostage crisis ends peacefully
Hostages played a pivotal role in ending a standoff yesterday at the local presidential headquarters of Sen. Hillary Clinton by becoming intermediaries between police and the man threatening to blow them up.
Leeland Eisenberg, 46, of Somersworth entered the headquarters at 28 N. Main St. about 12:30 p.m. yesterday with what appeared to be four sticks of dynamite duct-taped to his...

Black Leaders Torn Over Endorsement
When it comes to endorsing a candidate for president, Joe Reed is a pragmatist first, and he is betting on Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as the Democrat to beat.
"She's electable. She's acceptable. What else is there?" said Reed, chairman of the Alabama Democratic Conference, the state's largest African American political organization, which endorsed Clinton in October at the urging of its veteran leader.

Dozens hurt in Chicago train collision
Investigators studying the collision of an Amtrak train and a freight train that injured dozens of people, some seriously, planned to interview crew members Saturday in efforts to learn how both trains ended up on the same track at the same time.
Most of the 187 passengers aboard the Amtrak train walked away unhurt after the accident Friday on the city's South Side, which catapulted people from their seats.

32 million tax refunds could be delayed
Silena Davis had counted on an early tax refund to pay for getting her teeth fixed. Now, because Congress has dawdled all year on a tax bill, she and millions of other early filers could have to wait extra weeks for refunds that last year averaged $2,291.
The Internal Revenue Service is looking hard at delaying the start of its filing season, set to kick off on Jan. 14, if Congress fails to pass legislation in the next two weeks.

Snow and ice hit Midwest states
Snow and ice plastered a wide area of the Midwest on Saturday, disrupting campaigning by presidential hopefuls, making highways hazardous and closing Des Moines' airport.
The National Weather Service posted winter storm and ice warnings across parts of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the eastern Dakotas, Illinois and northern Michigan, although some warnings were lifted by midday.

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