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USA UK and Malta News
25/03/2008 - 21:24

USA today, Editoweb, 25 Mars 2008

Detroit mayor, aide plead not guilty; Crane topples in Miami; 2 killed, 4 hurt; Photos show bullet damage to plane ; Lava lovers live with danger; Engineer society accused of cover-ups.

Detroit mayor, aide plead not guilty
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his former top aide pleaded not guilty Tuesday to charges they lied under oath about having an affair.
The mayor and former Chief of Staff Christine Beatty appeared for separate hearings in the scandal that is threatening to prematurely end Kilpatrick's second term.

Crane topples in Miami; 2 killed, 4 hurt
A crane collapsed Tuesday at a construction site for a high-rise condominium, killing two workers, injuring four and smashing into a home that the contractor had been using as an office, police said.

Photos show bullet damage to plane
Photos show that a shot fired from a US Airways pilot's pistol blasted a small hole through the cockpit wall of a plane that landed in North Carolina.
The photos obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press show a small entry hole in the lower side of the cockpit wall and a small exit hole on the exterior below the cockpit window.

Lava lovers live with danger
As fiery lava pours down Kilauea volcano toward Jean Olson's lonely wooden house, incinerating everything in its path, there's no place she'd rather be.
"Why would I live here if I didn't like it? I have the best view of anyone in town," said Olson, who lives just over a mile from fountains of glowing lava spewing into the ocean. "Either she comes or she doesn't. If she comes, we'll pick up and leave."

Engineer society accused of cover-ups
The professional organization for engineers who build the nation's roads, dams and bridges has been accused by fellow engineers of covering up catastrophic design flaws while investigating national disasters.

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