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15/11/2007 - 17:23

UK today 15 nov 2007, News by Editoweb

Jane's son collects CBE from prince - Diana pregnancy test would have been 'disastrous' - Hamza can be extradited, says court - Climate change bill published - Miliband to outline European vision.

Jane's son collects CBE from prince
The 10-year-old son of charity fundraiser Jane Tomlinson collected his late mother's CBE in a moving ceremony at Buckingham Palace.
Steven Tomlinson received the accolade from the Prince of Wales in the grand ballroom, watched by hundreds of investiture guests.
Dressed in a smart suit and tie, the youngster, dwarfed in height by the other recipients, calmly lined up and...

Diana pregnancy test would have been 'disastrous'
The doctor who oversaw the final battle to save Diana, Princess of Wales has dismissed suggestions that he should have carried out a pregnancy test on her.
Performing an ultrasound scan would have led to "a disastrous loss of time" when surgeons were fighting to save the dying princess, said Professor Bruno Riou.
The professor, from the anaesthetics and resuscitation department at Paris's Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, was on duty just after 2am on August 31 1997 when Diana was brought in from the scene of her car crash.

Hamza can be extradited, says court
Radical Islamic cleric Abu Hamza can be extradited to the US on terror charges, a court has ruled.
Senior District Judge Timothy Workman, sitting at London's City of Westminster Magistrates Court, ruled that Hamza, 48, had lost his legal arguments against his long-running extradition battle.
The judge sent the matter to the Home Secretary to make a final decision.

Climate change bill published
The government published a ground-breaking climate change bill on Thursday, starting a parliamentary process that could lead to a legal limit on national emissions of carbon gases within six months.
The bill sets a target of cutting national emissions of climate-warming carbon dioxide by 60 percent by 2050.
It would make Britain the first country to adopt such a legally binding commitment.
"This bill is a landmark in environmental legislation and will set us firmly on the path to the low-carbon economy we know is fundamental to our future," said Environment Secretary Hilary Benn.

Miliband to outline European vision
The foreign secretary is to set out his vision for Europe, arguing that the EU should become a model for the world.
David Miliband will use a speech in Bruges today to call on the EU to focus on "ideals" rather than "institutions".
In his first major speech on the subject, Miliband will call for the EU to use "soft and hard power" to tackle modern challenges, including defence, environmental and economic concerns.
J. B. / Source Web
Lu 1549 fois

1.Posté par franja_fox@yahoo.com.br le 15/11/2007 22:21 | Alerter
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