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USA UK and Malta News
17/08/2012 - 00:01

Malta news: seven injured at Gudja

Malta news: seven injured at Gudja. Six Males and a female, including a 12-year-old boy from Gzira, were injured when a part from an air-conditioning system that was connected to a CO2 cylinder to blow away shredded paper, exploded during the band march at the Santa Maria feast in Gudja.

Malta news: seven injured at Gudja
Six Males and a female, including a 12-year-old boy from Gzira, were injured when a part from an air-conditioning system that was connected to a CO2 cylinder to blow away shredded paper, exploded during the band march at the Santa Maria feast in Gudja. The accident happened shortly after noon when the Madonna Tac- Cintura band was approaching the square. A 26-year-old bandsman from Zabbar was seriously injured in the upper chest and arm, while a 16-year-old boy from Zebbug sustained grievous injuries to both his legs and it is feared that he may lose them. Also among the injured were a 33-year-old woman, a 22-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy, all from Gudja, as well as a 14-year-old boy from Valletta and a 12-year-old boy from Gzira. One of the ambulances required on the scene of the accident arrived around one hour and 25 minutes after the incident took place. Meanwhile, the injured were given assistance on site by Dr Jonathan Joslin, an Accident and Emergency Department consultant, who arrived soon after the accident. Sources on the scene said the first ambulance arrived 25 minutes after the explosion, followed by another five minutes later. However, a third ambulance was said to have broken down on the way to Gudja and another had to be sent in its stead. The fact that people who needed emergency hospital treatment were on the ground for so long, was described by many people on the scene as “a disgrace”. Gudja mayor Mario Calleja said one of the teenagers’ father waited for his arrival for over an hour at Mater Dei Hospital and that this was “shameful”. He meanwhile thanked the two band clubs for their cooperation as well as the police, led by superintendent Ray Vella Gregory and inspector Arthur Mercieca, members of the Civil Protection Department and the people who rushed to give first aid including Dr Joslin, paediatrician Chris Fearne and Prof. Victor Sultana. However, he found it very hard to believe the long ambulance delays when the roads were dead quiet at the time.(independent.com.mt) Is it really an accident? The police should investigate that.
Henri Vario-Nouioua
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