Mr. Maxime Gremetz –
Will you remain deaf to the voice of employees and majority of the population? Will you only hear MEDEF? Some have done so; They have paid dearly! (Applause on the benches of the GDR and the group SRC)
Mr. Xavier Bertrand, Minister of Labor, social relations and solidarity-
What a pity that you did not have more time! I did not hear your proposals indeed for the future of our pensions! (Applause on the benches of the UMP; Protests on the benches of the GDR). If we want to ensure the future, we must undertake reforms; Because if we do nothing, we will eliminate our social model.
Mr. Maxime Gremetz - Stop!
Mr. The Minister -
Special pension schemes involve more than a million pensioners for 500,000 active only: how to fund their pension?
Mr. Maxime Gremetz - Do not take people for fools!
Mr. The Minister -
They know, this reform is essential. If they make a complete career, these officers will be entitled to a full pension; This was not the case until now! You know that SNCF, EDF and other businesses, it is impossible to work beyond age 55 even if wished! Thanks to our reform, it is possible! All French will now be equal before the period of contributions. Some speak of social justice; We are strengthening it! (Protests on the benches of the SRC and the group GDR; Applause on the benches of the UMP)
Will you remain deaf to the voice of employees and majority of the population? Will you only hear MEDEF? Some have done so; They have paid dearly! (Applause on the benches of the GDR and the group SRC)
Mr. Xavier Bertrand, Minister of Labor, social relations and solidarity-
What a pity that you did not have more time! I did not hear your proposals indeed for the future of our pensions! (Applause on the benches of the UMP; Protests on the benches of the GDR). If we want to ensure the future, we must undertake reforms; Because if we do nothing, we will eliminate our social model.
Mr. Maxime Gremetz - Stop!
Mr. The Minister -
Special pension schemes involve more than a million pensioners for 500,000 active only: how to fund their pension?
Mr. Maxime Gremetz - Do not take people for fools!
Mr. The Minister -
They know, this reform is essential. If they make a complete career, these officers will be entitled to a full pension; This was not the case until now! You know that SNCF, EDF and other businesses, it is impossible to work beyond age 55 even if wished! Thanks to our reform, it is possible! All French will now be equal before the period of contributions. Some speak of social justice; We are strengthening it! (Protests on the benches of the SRC and the group GDR; Applause on the benches of the UMP)