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USA UK and Malta News
22/05/2008 - 17:30

Manufacturing and restoration of chimneys France and Provence

Heir to a family tradition, Mr. Zunino specializes in the manufacture and restoration of old chimneys in France and Provence. Fascinated by the beauty of old stones, Jean Zunino will guide you from a wide selection of old stone fireplaces, wood and marble, vintage fireplaces, chimneys, antique fireplace, garden antiques and authentic elements of architecture, vases, fountains ...

Manufacturing and restoration of chimneys France and Provence
Establishment created in 1980, heir to a family tradition Manufacturing and restoration of chimneys, France and Provence, which for over five generations working in stone and architecture, Jean Zunino accumulates discoveries in the manufacture and restoration past thirty years and offers a selection of authentic chimneys, as well as elements of architecture, vases, fountains, and so on.

Fascinated by the beauty of old stones, Jean Zunino will guide you from a wide selection of chimneys time.

The first known chimneys date from the 12 th century. They are gross and monumental stone in castles. Since then, chimneys have taken different forms with different materials: stone, marble or wood.

Mr Zunino name or restores the chimney that best suits your tastes and your home.
The chimneys, of all styles and all ages, simple or sophisticated, stone, marble or wood for all budgets.

Choose an old fireplace is primarily choose a style and terroir, as among the ancient materials, it is one that is characterized by its diversity, it is the chimney. The choice is all the more important that the chimney will become the heart of the play designed to accommodate both visually that symbolically. The vocabulary has adopted the term to describe the homes house as a whole.

Manufacturing and restoration of chimneys France and Provence
We can find different styles of old chimneys:
The regional style (Provencal fireplace, fireplace Burgundy) is often sober, see stripped. Rarely small, they are well suited to the old farms and more generally to all rural housing.

The styles time (Louis XVI, Pompadour, Empire etc.) Better suited to more sophisticated interiors. The sizes range from small fireplace to heat a room or a small lounge at the majestic fireplace trumeau for the reception room of a castle. These chimneys are often ancient marble or limestone marble, sometimes wooden, and very often moulurées if not completely carved.

The plaque chimney, also known attack household or attack foyère ideally accompanies old chimneys. Designed to protect the bottom of the home and to disseminate the radiant heat, melt these plates are often decorated or historied.

Mr Zunino also manufacture and restoration of various elements of archictecture and decoration such as vases, fountains, statues, but also polychrome marble fireplaces.

Mr Zunino offers a free estimate by mail, then you just have to send photos of your chimney and an enquiry.

Open Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm; also open by appointment
outside schedule.

Service Schedules:
Delivery possible for small distances.

Contact :
Jean Zunino Cheminée Ancienne

Pôle d'activité
Chemin des Jalassières - n° 635

Tel: 0442641238
Fax: 0442641238

E-mail: zunino.jean@wanadoo.fr
Site web: www.zunino.fr
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