Hunter escapes jail term, stiff fine. A 28-year-old hunter today had a one-year jail term for illegal hunting revoked and a €5,000 fine reduced to €698 on appeal. Rene Bezzina had been convicted of hunting for protected birds (Storks) in the closed season. The Appeals Court, presided by Mr Justice David Scicluna, said that while a loaded shotgun had been found in the car of the accused in Madliena on 19 May, 2011, when a flock of Storks was observed, there was no evidence that the gun had been taken out of the car or that it had been fired. No evidence had been presented to show that shotgun cartridges found near the scene had been fired from Bezzina's gun. The court said that while one could speak of strong suspicions, these did not amount to evidence.(timesofmalta.com) About the Court seems correct, however it s require verification as all legal facts.