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USA UK and Malta News
19/06/2012 - 20:16

Malta news: Malta's position on Spain

Malta news: Malta's position on Spain - Motion against RCC passes with JPO’s vote - Fenech explains Malta's position on Spain's financial crisis - Compassionate employer retains worker who feigned hold-up.

Malta news: Malta's position on Spain
Motion against RCC passes with JPO’s vote
The opposition’s motion censuring Malta’s EU Ambassador Richard Cachia Caruana and calling for his resignation has passed, after Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando broke ranks with his party. Consequently, Mr Cachia Caruana has tendered his resignation. PN MP Jesmond Mugliett abstained from voting, and the motion thus passed with 35 votes in favour and 33 against. Franco Debono, who forced the resignation of Home Affairs Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici last month, voted against the motion despite his strong criticism of Mr Cachia Caruana in past months. The motion concerned a US diplomatic cable leaked by Wikileaks last year, which concerned Malta’s apparent intentions to declare that its Partnership for Peace agreements from 1994 remained in force, despite its withdrawal from the programme in 1996. According to the opposition, the cable proved that Mr Cachia Caruana was seeking guidance from the US, and that he was seeking to evade parliamentary scrutiny. But the government insisted that this reading was based on a misinterpretation of the document. It also denied that the cable, which was written in November 2004, had anything to do with Malta’s decision to rejoin the PfP in 2008, stating that the plan – which ultimately failed – aimed to ensure that Malta would be allowed to participate in EU-NATO strategic discussions.(independent.com.mt) Mr. Mr Cachia Caruana was bound to submit his resignation.
Fenech explains Malta's position on Spain's financial crisis
Maltese banks' exposure at some €160m. Finance Minister Tonio Fenech in a statement to Parliament today said that Malta is insisting that EU financial aid for the recapitalisation of the banking system in Spain should be channelled through the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). In this way, he said, Malta would not be required to lend directly to Spain, as it had done  for the first Greek bailout. It would also not affect Malta's debt, as would be the case if the EU opts to use the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) some of whose lending was guaranteed by Malta. He also said that Maltese banks exposure in Spain amounted to some €160 million, mostly related to international banks. Mr Fenech warned that a collapse of Spanish banks would have an impact throughout the eurozone and it was important that this was presented. Opposition finance spokesman Karmenu Vella asked if the government had set a cap of how much Malta could (as against wished ) to lend other countries. Furthermore what was the position with regard to the funds lent to Greece? Did the Finance Minister still view that as investment, as he had once declared? He asked what was the position in Cyprus and also asked whether the bailouts were really helping the countries they were meant to help, or the creditor banks in Germany and France.(timesofmalta.com) The cries of the European debt would be fully resolved if a European federation was formed.
Compassionate employer retains worker who feigned hold-up
A delivery man this morning admitted in court that he had filed a false police report where he claimed to having been a victim of a hold-up in which €630 had been stolen from him. A court this morning heard the accused, Tony Attard, 37 of Sta Venera admit to having filed the false report yesterday morning. He had claimed that two men on a motorbike had stopped him, beaten him up and stolen cash from his delivery van. He even beat himself up and tore his shirt to make himself more credible. Police investigations showed that he made up the story because of his financial difficulties. Defence lawyer Jose' Herrera said the accused was a first-time offender. The employer, Paolo Bonnici Ltd, had understood the problems which his client was going through, and he would not lose his job as a result.(timesofmalta.com) It is an act slightly questionable.
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