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USA UK and Malta News
14/04/2012 - 02:06

Malta news: Malta and Turkey

Malta news: Malta and Turkey - Court: Uncle gets six years’ jail for abusing six nieces - Malta and Turkey to strengthen economic and political bilateral relations - Azzopardis willing to testify about alleged relationship.

Malta news: Malta and Turkey
Court: Uncle gets six years’ jail for abusing six nieces
A 53-year-old Żebbuġ man was yesterday sentenced to six years in jail for corrupting six nieces, all under aged, including a girl who was under the age of 12. His name is not being published to protect the victims’ identity. The offences were committed in Żebbuġ and during summer in Armier and Għadira. He was also found guilty of violent indecent assaults on all the girls, and offending their honour and morals in a place accessible to the public. The court, presided by Magistrate Antonio Mizzi, heard that a mother went to the police on 13 February, 2004 after she consulted Aġenżija Appoġġ because her daughter and four other minors had all been abused sexually by their uncle. As it happened, on 17 March, 2004, another under-aged girl reported to the police a similar offence by the same person. The mother had gone to Aġenżija Appoġġ because when she was talking to her daughter, the girl had burst out crying and recounted what had happened. She was then 16 years old, but the offences had occurred when she was 14. The mother spoke to her siblings about the matter and they found that some of their children had had the same experiences, which led them to go to Aġenżija Appoġġ, which referred them to the police. The six children testified in court. A psychological test showed that although some years had passed, they were still traumatised with what they had suffered.(independent.com.mt) Rape is very serious crime.

Malta and Turkey to strengthen economic and political bilateral relations
oreign Minister Tonio Borg held bilateral meetings yesterday with Egemen Bagis, Minister and Chief Negotiator of EU Affairs of Turkey, who is on an official visit in Malta. The talks focused on possible ways to increase trade and investment opportunities for both countries. Dr Borg said Malta has maintained excellent relations with Turkey, which opened its first embassy in Malta in October 2009, with Malta opening a consulate general in Istanbul in March 2009. Dr Borg referred to the strong bilateral legal framework between the two countries, which consists of 12 bilateral agreements, and referred to the double taxation agreement signed in July 2011, auguring that the Turkish side would ratify it. Among areas where Malta and Turkey can cooperate to enhance economic relations, Dr Borg referred to the maritime sector, with Malta having the sixth largest fleet in the world and the largest ship register in Europe. Turkey has over 165 gross tonnage vessels registered in Malta which represents over 30% of Turkish-owned ships registered abroad. Referring to the Maltese-Turkish Business Council, Dr Borg said that this has helped foster greater initiatives to promote investment. Trade exchanges between the two countries surged to record highs in 2010, nudging the €70 million mark. Imports rose by 80% although they have not yet surpassed the pre-2008 international recession levels.(independent.com.mt) Strengthen this kind of relationship can not be that good.

Azzopardis willing to testify about alleged relationship
The family of Nicholas Azzopardi said this morning they were willing to testify about an alleged relationship between a former police officer and their late son's wife in court but would not divulge their source of information until the Whistle Blower Act was in place. Nicholas Azzopardi died in April 2008 while in police custody. Police Commissioner John Rizzo has asked the Attorney General to reopen a magisterial inquiry into Mr Azzopardi's death, following questions being raised about a keywitness' credibility. Mr Azzopardi suffered serious injuries while in police custody in 2008. He was hospitalised and subsequently claimed he was viciously beaten and flung over bastion walls by police officers. The police strenuously denied the allegations, and claimed that Mr Azzopardi had hurt himself by jumping off a wall in an attempt to escape. He subsequently died as a result of his injuries. Mr Azzopardi's father Joseph and his son Reno went to the police headquarters this morning, after they were called to answer a few questions yesterday. Speaking to timesofmalta.com before and after their meeting with the police, the Azzopardi's said they were asked whether they would be willing to testify about the alleged relationship. They said they were willing to speak about the relationship but would not divulge their source of information until the Whistle Blower Act was in place, offering adequate protection.(timesofmalta.com) You can not blame someone to testify in his defense.
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