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USA UK and Malta News
01/05/2012 - 02:15

Malta news: call for missing man

Police renew call for information concerning missing man - Update: David Gonzi resigns from SIB Ltd - Police make one of biggest drug finds at Freeport - Positive reaction to Bank of Valletta’s financial results - Government’s track record is best guarantee for future - IPA Mediterranean regional meeting.

Malta news: call for missing man
Police renew call for information concerning missing man
The police has renewed its call for information regarding the whereabouts of Philip Farrugia, the missing 50-year-old man. Whoever has any information concerning the whereabouts of Mr. Farrugia is requested to contact the police on 199. (maltamediaonline.com) We hope he will come again sooner and safe.

Update: David Gonzi resigns from SIB Ltd
Dr David Gonzi said on Monday afternoon that he terminated his work as company secretary of SIB Ltd this month. SIB Ltd is one of several companies set by officials of the Salvatore Maugeri Foundation who are being investigated for money laundering, tax evasion and misappropriation of public funds.(maltastar.com) It is important to fight against tax evasion.

Police make one of biggest drug finds at Freeport
The police make major discovery of drugs at Malta Freeport today in one of the biggest drug funds ever made in Malta. The police said that a major consignment of suspected cocaine was discovered at Malta Freeport today in one of the biggest drug funds ever made in Malta. It is thought that the find runs into hundreds of kilograms. The drugs were found on a container on land. Tests are currently being carried out. (maltatoday.com.mt) We hope that this discovery will sustainably take away drug dealers.

Positive reaction to Bank of Valletta’s financial results
Share price of BOV edged 1.9% higher to close the day at €2.15 on total volumes of over 44,000 shares. The MSE Share Index advanced by 0.3% to 2,969.161 points following a positive reaction to the interim financial statements published by Bank of Valletta plc last Friday afternoon. (maltatoday.com.mt) Long as it lasts!

Government’s track record is best guarantee for future - PM
“The government’s results during the past four years which includes record years for tourism, low unemployment rates and the creation of 20,000 full-time jobs instil confidence and courage for the future, while proving that only a PN-led government can take this country forward.” (independent.com.mt) Again: long as it lasts!

IPA Mediterranean regional meeting
For the first time since its foundation in 1964, and the first IPA Mediterranean regional meeting held in 1994, the International Police Association (IPA) Malta Section, hosted the 14th IPA Mediterranean Regional Meeting at the Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana between Friday and Sunday.
Delegates from Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, France, Switzerland, Italy, San Marino, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, Section in Foundation Fyrom and Malta attended to discuss motions and other business pertaining to the International Police Association. (independent.com.mt) States of North Africa were not present. Would it be difficult to work with them?
S. D.
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