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USA UK and Malta News
27/03/2008 - 21:20

USA today, Editoweb, 27 Mars 2008

FBI identifies remains of US contractors; Court: Mumia deserves new hearing; Manhunt launched for Va. highway shooter; Little oil company creates big problems; Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies.

FBI identifies remains of US contractors
After 16 months of hoping and praying, family members of two U.S. contractors kidnapped in Iraq received the news they feared: their loved ones were not coming home alive.

Court: Mumia deserves new hearing
A federal appeals court on Thursday said former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal cannot be executed for murdering a Philadelphia police officer without a new penalty hearing.

Manhunt launched for Va. highway shooter
Gunfire struck several vehicles along an 11-mile stretch of Interstate 64 early Thursday, injuring two people and forcing police to shut down a portion of the road for nearly six hours.

Little oil company creates big problems
When a Firestone Vineyard employee discovered oil trickling down a creek in January in this wine country town, the source of the contamination was no surprise to firefighters.

Parents pick prayer over docs; girl dies
Police are investigating an 11-year-old girl's death from an undiagnosed, treatable form of diabetes after her parents chose to pray for her rather than take her to a doctor.

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