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USA UK and Malta News
22/02/2012 - 21:44

Malta news: political responsibility

Malta news: political responsibility - Weather foils plan to return Mirages on arrival anniversary - PL demands political responsibility for road works bribery case, Air Malta mistakes - Health Department denies request for 'substantial' increase in number of nurses.

Malta news: political responsibility
Weather foils plan to return Mirages on arrival anniversary
Efforts to ensure that two Libyan air force jets would return to Libya on the first anniversary of their dramatic flight to Malta yesterday were foiled by poor weather in both countries. The two Dassault Mirage jets were formally handed over to Libya last month, but were in need of a major overhaul to ensure their airworthiness. As is most appropriate given the circumstances, the pilots who will return the jets to Libya are the same two high-ranking pilots – Col Ali al Rabti and Col Abdullah al Salheen – who had decided to defy the orders of the Muammar Gaddafi-led regime to bomb a small village on 21 February, 2011, four days after the Libyan revolution broke out. The two pilots themselves underwent some training to refresh their skills, having been out of action since their defection.(independent.com.mt) It is important that the assets of the Lybian people return to Lybia.

PL demands political responsibility for road works bribery case, Air Malta mistakes
The Labour Party said this evening that somebody had to assume political responsibility for the road construction bribery case, the latest in what it said was a series of corruption cases at Transport Malta. Earlier today, a Transport Malta architect and a director and an employee of a road-construction company were accused of corruption, with the prosecution alleging that the architect and the director pocketed some €500,000 by inflating bills. Another man involved in the scrap metal business admitted producing false bills which were presented to Transport Malta. Labour leader Joseph Muscat, speaking at a political event in Safi said somebody needed to assume political responsibility for this latest scandal at Transport Malta.(timesofmalta.com) Corruption is a disease afflicting society, those who practice must be punished.

Health Department denies request for 'substantial' increase in number of nurses
The Health Department said this evening that following the recent increase of between two and three beds in some wards at Mater Dei Hospital, the MUMN Nurses' Union was calling for a substantial and permanent increase in the number of nurses. The department said such a permanent increase was not possible but it was prepared to ease the load on nurses through the engagement of day nurses. In a statement, the department said that over the past two months it took a number of initiatives to address the additional demand on hospital services. It said that as a result of the cold, since January 1 an average of 25 more persons per day were admitted to hospital compared to the same period last year. In order to ease the pressure on Mater Dei, the Department increased the number of beds at St Vincent de Paule Home by 30 and bought more beds from the private sector. Some 50 elderly people were admitted to Zammit Clapp Hospital, which was reopened as a nursing home. Refurbishment was continued at Karin Grech rehabilitation hospital so that it could have more beds.(timesofmalta.com) I think the solution is simply to work more, unless it is not possible.

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