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USA UK and Malta News
29/02/2012 - 19:13

Malta news: Worker robbed

Malta news: Worker robbed - Libyan ambassador’s term ends - Court dismisses appeal on telephone tapping - Malta news: Worker robbed.

Malta news: Worker robbed
Libyan ambassador’s term ends
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi paid tribute to outgoing Libyan ambassador Saadun Suayeh, praising him for always remaining a true representative of the Libyan people despite the difficult circumstances of his term. Dr Suayeh paid a farewell call to Dr Gonzi yesterday afternoon, and the prime minister noted that the two had shared difficult moments over the past year. However, he added, the ambassador always acted as a representative of the Libyan people rather than a representative of the regime, and also thanked him for his help in coordinating Malta’s humanitarian mission while the Libyan revolution was ongoing. The ambassador himself stressed that he always had the interest of the people at heart, and sought to advance the interest of the state, rather than of the regime. He acknowledged that the situation was far from easy when the revolution broke out, especially given Malta’s proximity to Libya, and said that he necessarily had to walk a tightrope during those times.(independent.com.mt) I am pleased that even Malta maintains good relations with Lybia.

Court dismisses appeal on telephone tapping
The Magistrates Court had been correct when it ordered the prosecution to exhibit a ministerial order for telephone tapping, the Court of Appeal ruled following an appeal by the Attorney General. The case goes back to 2008 when the Magistrates Court was hearing criminal proceedings against Marco Pace. The prosecution had exhibited a compact disc containing a recording of a telephone conversation made by Mr Pace and a third party. The recording had been allegedly made on the basis of a warrant issued by the minister responsible for the Security Service. The Magistrates Court had ordered the prosecution to produce the warrant that had been issued by the Minister and the Attorney General appealed from this ruling to the First Hall of the Civil Court. The first court had dismissed the Attorney General's request and the latter then appealed to the Court of Appeal. In its judgement the appeals court said that it was a fundamental principle of law that every person was entitled to a fair hearing.(timesofmalta.com) Yes, it is indeed a fundamental principle of law.

Worker robbed employer after being dismissed
Worker robbed employer after being dismissed A man who stole €1,373 from his employer's safe just after he was dismissed from his job was this morning placed under a three year probation order and ordered to return the stolen money within six months. Jake Charles Attard, 24, of St Paul' Bay stole the money from Eurosport's Concept in St Julian's just after he was told that he had lost his job, prosecutor Inspector James Grech and defence lawyer Anglu Farrugia said. Dr Farrugia said his client had a clean police record, was a first time offender, and had never had any problems with the law. He committed this crime in a moment of desperation. Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit acknowledged the fact that this had been a one-off incident for the accused.(timesofmalta.com)  A one-time incident should not be severely punished, for it is most often done out of desperation.

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