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USA UK and Malta News
26/03/2008 - 20:55

USA today, Editoweb, 26 Mars 2008

AK-47s are turning up more in US; No bait! Fish may respond to sound ; Parachute may belong to famed hijacker; Pilot survives crash, frigid Mont. night; Actor Richard Widmark dies at 93 .

AK-47s are turning up more in US
The cake had been served and the children were jumping up and down in a big, inflatable castle when the birthday party turned to bedlam.

No bait! Fish may respond to sound
Call them Pavlov's fish: Scientists are testing a plan to train fish to catch themselves by swimming into a net when they hear a tone that signals feeding time.
If it works, the system could eventually allow black sea bass to be released into the open ocean, where they would grow to market size, then swim into an underwater cage to be harvested when they hear the signal.

Parachute may belong to famed hijacker
Hoping to solve at least part of a 36-year-old mystery, the FBI is analyzing a torn, tangled parachute found in southwest Washington to determine if it belonged to famed plane hijacker D.B. Cooper.

Pilot survives crash, frigid Mont. night
A student pilot whose plane crashed into a snowy mountainside survived a freezing night by wrapping himself in a tarp, then hiked a mile through waist-deep snow in shorts to meet rescuers, aviation and rescue officials said Wednesday.

Actor Richard Widmark dies at 93
Richard Widmark, who made a sensational film debut as the giggling killer in "Kiss of Death" and became a Hollywood leading man in "Broken Lance," "Two Rode Together" and 40 other films, has died after a long illness. He was 93.

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