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USA UK and Malta News
30/03/2012 - 22:26

Malta news: Wanted man caught

Malta news: Wanted man caught - Dock 1: Yet more delays as another contractor is removed - Wanted man caught after police car chase - Judicial protest filed against Anglu Xuereb.

Malta news: Wanted man caught
Dock 1: Yet more delays as another contractor is removed
The bureaucracy-ridden EU took just six months to approve funds of €3.8 million for the Dock One project in Cospicua – from February, 2008, when the government applied for the money, to August that year. And then the long delays started. The public call for tenders, for instance, was issued 20 months later, in May, 2010, with four companies tendering offers. The Italian contractor then chosen, Marinelli Costruzioni Spa, started the work in January last year, seven months later. The contractor has now been removed, for his delays. An elderly woman had in the meantime fallen on the debris the project works had churned up. She subsequently died. The contractor’s removal was ordered last week by the Infrastructure Ministry, which called on another contractor to carry out the work. The ministry has now asked the Director of Contracts to rescind the contract with Marinelli Costruzioni.(independent.com.mt) Bureaucracy is therefore the source of his misdeeds?

Wanted man caught after police car chase
A man wanted for breaching bail conditions was arrested today following a car chase by the police this morning. During the case, a policeman was injured and a police car was damaged. The police said members of the Mobile Squad saw the wanted man driving a car in Sliema at around 11 a.m. They followed him and made several attempts to stop him but he disobeyed the orders. He continued driving and when he had to stop in traffic, a police officer went next to his car and ordered him to get out. He disobeyed the order and drove off, going over the policeman’s foot.(timesomalta.com) Represents the state police, if the State is correct, it must be with the police.

Judicial protest filed against Anglu Xuereb
A judicial protest was filed today by Heritage Malta employee Chris Delia against entrepreneur Angelo Xuereb. In the protest, Mr Delia referred to Mr Xuereb's testimony during proceedings during which he requested the Civil Court to stop the cancelling process of a tender which had been issued by Heritage Malta for the construction of a visitor centre and restoration works at St Paul's Catacombs in Rabat. Mr Delia said Mr Xuereb had made a number of public declarations which were also broadcast on the media and which consisted in direct and indirect allegations against him. The allegations implied that he, Mr Delia, was involved in irregularities as a quantity surveyer within Heritage Malta as well as an evaluator in the tender process. Mr Xuereb implied that he, Mr Delia tried to exercise influence on other members of the board to influence their decision. He also implied he was potentially responsible for threatening SMSes which had been received from Mr Xuereb and his son.(timesofmalta.com) The twists and turns of justice are sometimes unexplainable.
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