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USA UK and Malta News
19/04/2012 - 22:40

Malta news: Turkey’s Minister

Malta news: Turkey’s Minister - Mega Star - Turkey’s EU Minister, Judge Giovanni Bonello and the Armenian Genocide - ‘Claim about Malta Trials is nonsense’ - Air Malta raised revenue, cut spending by total of €6m in 11 months.

Malta news: Turkey’s Minister
Mega Star
Photographer Jonathan Borg staked out Tom Hanks from 4am yesterday in order to get this shot of him while on the set of Captain Phillips, a movie based on the true story of an American captain who was taken hostage by armed Somali pirates.(independent.com.mt) The work is the travail. We can not prevent people from working.

Turkey’s EU Minister, Judge Giovanni Bonello and the Armenian Genocide - ‘Claim about Malta Trials is nonsense’
Judge Giovanni Bonello rubbished the claim made by Turkey’s EU Affairs Minister, Egemen Bagis, that his country was acquitted of the responsibility of the Armenian Genocide in 1915, because no such trial ever took place in Malta. Though the Turkish Minister was right saying that over 100 Turks were deported to Malta by the British in 1919 to be charged with war crimes, including the Armenian genocide, the lack of concrete evidence and an appropriate legal framework with supranational jurisdiction resulted in the Turkish detainees being repatriated and freed in exchange for 22 British prisoners held by Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk).. This important but seemingly forgotten chapter of modern colonial history was treated by Judge Bonello in one of his volumes in the Histories of Malta series published by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti. Following a story carried yesterday by this newspaper quoting the remarks made by the Turkish EU Minister regarding the Armenian Genocide which he referred to as an ‘incident’, Dr Bonello alerted The Malta Independent to clarify that these remarks are simply “nonsense”. He referred us to volume nine of the Histories of Malta series which dedicates a particular chapter titled ‘The “Malta Trials” and the Turkish-Armenian Question’ to this controversial issue. Dr Bonello explains that following World War I no international norms for regulating war crimes existed. He claims that it was only through a series of engineered coincidences that WWI did not end in the “Malta Trials” the way WWII led to the Nuremberg Trials.(independent.com.mt) The Armenian genocide is a formidable diplomatic weapon.

Air Malta raised revenue, cut spending by total of €6m in 11 months
The European Commission’s decision on the restructuring of Air Malta is expected by the summer and CEO Peter Davies said this evening that he was confident the feedback would be positive. Speaking during the opening of the Amitex Fair at the MFCC in Ta’ Qali this evening, he said: “The risk of failure and repercussions on an island nation like Malta, thriving on tourism were too great to address without a robust, feasible plan able to withstand the thorough review of the European Commission. “By summer we expect to receive the decision from the European Commission. We have worked very hard to deliver and meet the Commission's expectations and targets and we are confident of a positive feedback and that our efforts will return the airline to profitability.” Mr Davies said that the 150 weekly flights to and from 30 destinations this summer were in line with the restructuring plan which necessitated a reduction in capacity. This plan, he said, was on track and moving positively forward through a seamless transition without disruptions in operations. Chairman Louis Farrugia said that in spite of catering for 30,000 fewer passengers, Air Malta had, in the past financial year which ended in March, registered gains in total income and income per passenger.(timesofmalta.com) Pray that all goes well.
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