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USA UK and Malta News
20/04/2012 - 21:34

Malta news: live football matches

Malta news: live football matches - Hal Far open centre: New structures replace tents - Rape case could have been revised, says PL - There is no copyright in live football matches, court rules.

Malta news: live football matches
Hal Far open centre: New structures replace tents
The last remaining tents in the Ħal Far open centre are being dismantled making way for new prefabricated structures which offer better comfort for the 240 refugees currently living there. 64 such structures will be installed in the coming weeks in this open centre with another 36 being kept in reserve at the Marsa open centre. The total cost of these prefabricated structures is in the region of €890,000, 80% of which was funded by the EU through the European Regional Emergency Fund. Home Affairs Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, during a visit to the Ħal Far open centre yesterday afternoon, described this development as another milestone in Malta’s cause to raise awareness on the issue of illegal immigration at EU level. Dr Mifsud Bonnici recalled the visit of European Commissioner Cecilia Malmström in 2010 and said that this was a crucial factor in getting the necessary funds for this project. He added that this was a concrete example of the way in which the EU was showing solidarity with Malta regarding illegal immigration. Up to now the immigrants residing in Ħal Far were either being accommodated in rudimentary tents or else in old prefabricated structures. These old structures had been donated to Malta by the Italian Civil Protection after serving as emergency centres for those left homeless by earthquakes. Eventually even these structures will be dismantled to make room for the new ones.(independent.com.mt) Few countries have enough confidence to do that.

Rape case could have been revised, says PL
The case of the priest who was cleared of rape because of a mistake in the charge sheet could have been revised when there was the opportunity to do so, and then Justice Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici should assume political responsibility for the lack of investment in the office of the attorney general, according to the Labour Party’s spokesperson for justice José Herrera and spokesperson for security and home affairs Michael Falzon. Addressing a press conference outside the Law Courts building, Dr Herrera also referred to the need to tackle the issue of bomb threats at the Law Courts, saying they naturally slow down the work of the courts and have been happening too often. On the case of defrocked priest Godwin Scerri, who was acquitted of rape, Dr Herrera said the rape charge could have been revised. The court had found that from the evidence produced, one of the alleged crimes – that of rape – had not been committed in Marfa, as the charge sheet said, but at St Joseph Home in Santa Venera. Because of the mistake in the location, Mr Scerri could not be found guilty of this particular charge. Dr Herrera said that while it was up to the courts to decide whether or not a defendant is guilty or otherwise, the minister who, until some time ago, was responsible for the justice sector, should assume political responsibility for the lack of investment in the office of the attorney general, which deals with prosecutions, among many other things.(independent.com.mt) Justice is not always understandable.

There is no copyright in live football matches, court rules
Action for damages filed by the Football Association Premier League Ltd of England and Melita plc against Telestarr Ltd was dismissed by a court which ruled that no right of copyright was vested in live broadcasts of football league games. The Football Association Premier League (FAPL) and Melita had requested the court to rule that the sale of decoder cards by Telestarr for the viewing of Premier League games footage was in violation of copyright. They also claimed that this sale was in violation of the exclusivity rights granted to Melita by FAPL. Both companies requested the court to condemn Telestarr to pay damages. But in her judgement, Madam Justice Abigail Lofaro said that last year the European Court of Human Rights had ruled that the FAPL could not hold copyright in live football matches since the matches could not be classified as creative works. To be so classified, the subject matter concerned would have to be original in the sense that it was the author's own intellectual creation. The European Court ruled that sporting events could not be regarded as intellectual creations. Football matches, which were subject to the rules of the game, left no room for creative freedom. Madam Justice Lofaro, therefore, ruled that FAPL did not hold copyright in the football matches. The court added that it resulted that FAPL had granted exclusive rights to Melita to broadcast the games. The court had therefore to see whether Telestarr had violated this exclusivity right.(timesofmalta.com) This is an evidence.
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