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Commerces et services
31/03/2012 - 23:28


MAGESTA LIMITED is a private limited company incorporated in London U.K.. Its registered number is 7855485. The company was incorporated under the Company Act 2006 and is up to date with its filing requirements. Its capital is three hundred and sixty thousand pounds (£360 000) by shares.

A Certificate of good standing has been given by Companies House, the proper authority for the registration of companies incorporated and registered in England and Wales, on March 19th 2012. The certificate has been certified by Manfred Philipp Kuhn, Notary Public, PHONE +44 207 470 71 80, One Heddon Street, London, W1B4BD with an apostille. More information about MAGESTA LIMITED: www.companieshouse.gov.uk/.
The company is a wealth creation and optimisation services provider and services provider to the enterprises. MAGESTA LIMITED also offers web marketing and press via magestanews.com, editoweb.eu, seneglenligne.com and other specialized websites that are used as media of communication and lobbying.

MAGESTA LIMITED was awarded the management of these domains and websites in existence since 2005. These platforms offer internet press reviews and business and financial information in real time. With over 26,000 pages on the Internet, these media platforms whose pages are included in the Google News engine generated a large communication network suitable for optimizing and protecting your heritage and the image of your business. MAGESTA LIMITED intervened several times on the net to clean malicious messages that could deteriorate the image of its customers. MAGESTA LIMITED is also able to attack your competitors on the web.
The registered office of the company is Suite B, 29 Harley Street , London W1G 9QR, United Kingdom. FAX  +44  0207 9273081 – PHONE  +44 0207 2911801 Email: contact@magestanews.com
S. D.
Lu 1259 fois

1.Posté par Eveline le 12/04/2012 15:57 | Alerter
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Very interesting topic will bookmark your site to check if you write more about in the future.
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2.Posté par Best essay writing service le 25/09/2017 12:55 | Alerter
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I loved this text as it isn't which include worthless information .the author simply describes the facts. Thanks for sharing these kind articles; I am waiting for next article. I encouraged the col...

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