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USA UK and Malta News
16/02/2012 - 19:34

Malta news: Burglar strikes

Malta news: Burglar strikes - €2.1bn environment policy ‘has to be everyone’s priority’ - Debono says Eurostat survey strengthens his call for party funding law - Burglar strikes at same house twice.

Malta news: Burglar strikes
€2.1bn environment policy ‘has to be everyone’s priority’
Environment Minister Mario de Marco said yesterday that a costing exercise had shown that the implementation of measures detailed in the national environment policy will cost €2.1 billion (by 2020), but he pointed out that 88% of the cost is already planned and budgeted for and includes funding from the EU. Of the total cost, 62.5% will be in the energy sector, 9.1% will go towards climate change mitigation and adaptation, 10.65% towards measures related to waste, transport and water, and 18% will involve other measures. Understandably, not implementing the measures could cost much more as the country would be subject to EU infringement proceedings. Presenting the final version of the policy – which has been revised and fine-tuned since the draft version was presented for consultation last September Dr de Marco stressed that it seeks to establish a robust mechanism for monitoring and follow-up. “The policy has to be everyone’s priority, because it is ultimately aimed at improving our quality of life. The government is not the only important player when it comes to consumption patterns and policy implementation.”(independent.com.mt) It is obvious that the environment must be protected from the harmful effects of man especially after the recent oil spill.

Debono says Eurostat survey strengthens his call for party funding law
"Nationalist MP Franco Debono said this afternoon that a Eurostat survey which showed the Maltese people's concern about links between business and politicians underlined his campaign for a party funding law. Th survey results, issued yesterday, showed that half of Maltese respondents felt that links between business and politicians were too close. Dr Debono also noted that 66% had said there was not enough transparency in party funding. The Nationalist MP last month presented a private member's motion for a Bill to regulate party funding. The bill focuses on transparency and regulated the permissible donations to political parties. It obliges the parties to file annual audited accounts but excludes state funding. He has been campaigning for such a law since his first speech in Parliament four years ago. "The survey showed how the people are concerned over the issue of transparency in party funding. This is a matter which this country should have tackled a long time ago," the MP told timesofmalta.com Political parties were still the most unregulated organisations in Malta. GRECO, the Council of Europe grouping, had been urging the country to enact such legislation for quite some time, he said.(timesofmalta.com) Donations made ​​to political parties should be monitored like any other gifts, but the finances of political parties are not objects regulations?

Burglar strikes at same house twice
A man who was jailed for 18 months after burgling a house in Mosta struck again at the same house last week, immediately after being released from prison, a court was this morning Bjorn Borg, 29, who is from Mosta, had been jailed for 27 months after he forced himself into the house, packed stolen items into a car he found in the garage, and escaped with car and all. Yet, days after serving his sentence, he again forced his way into the same house, stealing some items from the garage including whisky bottles, some cash, cigarettes and perfume. He was arrested by the police when he also stole two gas cylinders from another address, and immediately admitted his crimes. During the court proceedings this morning, lawyer Chris Cilia, appearing for the family  which lives in the house, urged the court to consider the trauma which the family had suffered twice. Cedric Mifsud, defence counsel, pointed to drug problems suffered by the accused.(timesofmalta.com) Man beings can not fly for a victim of kleptomania as no apparent reason, he would uen help show him the right path.

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