Environment: Two loggerhead turtles released
Two loggerhead turtles, Johnny and Fajju, were returned to the sea yesterday, during a turtle release event held at Gnejna Bay. The turtles spent a number of months at the Turtle Rehabilitation Unit at Forti San Lucjan in Marsaxlokk, where they were cared for by aquaculture officer Charles Sammut and Nature Trust (Malta) volunteers, who help with cleaning, medication and feeding of the turtles undergoing rehabilitation. They were under the medical observation of veterinary surgeon Anthony Gruppetta of St Simon’s Veterinary Practice in Mosta. The turtles were released on the occasion of World Turtle Day (23 May) in the presence of Resources and Rural Affairs Minister George Pullicino, Environment Minister Mario de Marco, 120 students who participated in the Young Reporters/EkoSkola programme, and Nature Trust volunteers, including the NGO’s Marine Rescue Team, which is made up of a dedicated team of volunteers who have Mepa permits to handle protected animals and who are on call on a 24/7 basis. Following Johnny and Fajju’s release yesterday, short talks were given on turtles and their rehabilitation, marine wildlife rescue and jellyfish watching. Air Malta has been supporting Nature Trust’s turtle rehabilitation centre project – which will involve an investment of €1.5 million – by means of the ‘Adopt a Turtle’ campaign. The centre will be the first of its kind and it will receive injured turtles, which currently undergo rehabilitation at San Lucjan, as well as other injured animals such as hedgehogs. By means of the ‘Adopt a Turtle’ campaign (donations can be made via the Air Malta website), Nature Trust has already managed to collect more than €3,000.(independent.com.mt) This is a great news for the environment.
Carm Mifsud Bonnici censure motion: No ruling from Speaker yet
The Speaker’s awaited ruling on the Opposition’s proposed amendment to its censure motion has not yet been issued, as parliament continues debating the motion against Carm Mifsud Bonnici over his performance as Justice and Home Affairs Minister. The Opposition is seeking to convert its motion into one calling for the minister’s resignation, but the government is strongly contesting the move. Yesterday evening’s debate started with a speech by Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami, the parliamentary secretary in the Home Affairs Ministry, who staunchly defended Dr Mifsud Bonnici’s record and the government’s achievements in the sectors under discussion. He repeatedly said that the government, the ministry and Dr Mifsud Bonnici have reason to be proud of the results in the areas of both home affairs and justice. Talking about the Police Corps, Dr Fenech Adami said the minister had ensured that it is well equipped with human resources and equipment as the government is committed to fighting crime. The Nationalist MP spoke about investment in police stations, new vehicles, equipment for DNA testing, fingerprinting and breathalyser tests, as well as investment in the police mounted section and the dog section. Referring to the speech given by the Opposition’s spokesman for home affairs Micahel Falzon on Wednesday morning, the Nationalist MP said: “Saying that the corps is demoralised, not running efficiently and not achieving results is irresponsible.”(independent.com.mt) It is a heavy decision for the presidency.
Borg prepares PN for ‘internal challenges’
‘Nothing ever broke the Nationalist Party and nothing will break us today,’ a confident deputy prime minister Tonio Borg tells general council. Deputy prime minister Tonio Borg has warned the PN's general council to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. "Some of these will also be internal," he said, seemingly referring to backbencher's Franco Debono retaliation and the motion of censure - yet to see whether it will become one of resignation - in home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici. "But we form part of the oldest party ... a party which has suffered and knows what it means to suffer for what it stands for. We are not going to give up. This suffering will encourage us and prepare us for the big battle [elections] whenever it comes," Borg said. "Nothing broke the PN in the past. And nothing will break us today. We are the party built on commitment, the suffering, on the hard work of those who came before us and the aspirations of the people today." Borg told his audience to be "courageous" because the PN believed in the people.(maltatoday.com.mt) Parties who say this usually drown themselves.
Two loggerhead turtles, Johnny and Fajju, were returned to the sea yesterday, during a turtle release event held at Gnejna Bay. The turtles spent a number of months at the Turtle Rehabilitation Unit at Forti San Lucjan in Marsaxlokk, where they were cared for by aquaculture officer Charles Sammut and Nature Trust (Malta) volunteers, who help with cleaning, medication and feeding of the turtles undergoing rehabilitation. They were under the medical observation of veterinary surgeon Anthony Gruppetta of St Simon’s Veterinary Practice in Mosta. The turtles were released on the occasion of World Turtle Day (23 May) in the presence of Resources and Rural Affairs Minister George Pullicino, Environment Minister Mario de Marco, 120 students who participated in the Young Reporters/EkoSkola programme, and Nature Trust volunteers, including the NGO’s Marine Rescue Team, which is made up of a dedicated team of volunteers who have Mepa permits to handle protected animals and who are on call on a 24/7 basis. Following Johnny and Fajju’s release yesterday, short talks were given on turtles and their rehabilitation, marine wildlife rescue and jellyfish watching. Air Malta has been supporting Nature Trust’s turtle rehabilitation centre project – which will involve an investment of €1.5 million – by means of the ‘Adopt a Turtle’ campaign. The centre will be the first of its kind and it will receive injured turtles, which currently undergo rehabilitation at San Lucjan, as well as other injured animals such as hedgehogs. By means of the ‘Adopt a Turtle’ campaign (donations can be made via the Air Malta website), Nature Trust has already managed to collect more than €3,000.(independent.com.mt) This is a great news for the environment.
Carm Mifsud Bonnici censure motion: No ruling from Speaker yet
The Speaker’s awaited ruling on the Opposition’s proposed amendment to its censure motion has not yet been issued, as parliament continues debating the motion against Carm Mifsud Bonnici over his performance as Justice and Home Affairs Minister. The Opposition is seeking to convert its motion into one calling for the minister’s resignation, but the government is strongly contesting the move. Yesterday evening’s debate started with a speech by Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami, the parliamentary secretary in the Home Affairs Ministry, who staunchly defended Dr Mifsud Bonnici’s record and the government’s achievements in the sectors under discussion. He repeatedly said that the government, the ministry and Dr Mifsud Bonnici have reason to be proud of the results in the areas of both home affairs and justice. Talking about the Police Corps, Dr Fenech Adami said the minister had ensured that it is well equipped with human resources and equipment as the government is committed to fighting crime. The Nationalist MP spoke about investment in police stations, new vehicles, equipment for DNA testing, fingerprinting and breathalyser tests, as well as investment in the police mounted section and the dog section. Referring to the speech given by the Opposition’s spokesman for home affairs Micahel Falzon on Wednesday morning, the Nationalist MP said: “Saying that the corps is demoralised, not running efficiently and not achieving results is irresponsible.”(independent.com.mt) It is a heavy decision for the presidency.
Borg prepares PN for ‘internal challenges’
‘Nothing ever broke the Nationalist Party and nothing will break us today,’ a confident deputy prime minister Tonio Borg tells general council. Deputy prime minister Tonio Borg has warned the PN's general council to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. "Some of these will also be internal," he said, seemingly referring to backbencher's Franco Debono retaliation and the motion of censure - yet to see whether it will become one of resignation - in home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici. "But we form part of the oldest party ... a party which has suffered and knows what it means to suffer for what it stands for. We are not going to give up. This suffering will encourage us and prepare us for the big battle [elections] whenever it comes," Borg said. "Nothing broke the PN in the past. And nothing will break us today. We are the party built on commitment, the suffering, on the hard work of those who came before us and the aspirations of the people today." Borg told his audience to be "courageous" because the PN believed in the people.(maltatoday.com.mt) Parties who say this usually drown themselves.