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USA UK and Malta News
18/01/2008 - 00:15

USA today, Editoweb, 18 jan 2008

Armed man arrested near US Capitol; Amtrak deal with union averts strike; Texas thriller: The runaway grand jury; 911 operator guilty of blowing off call; Captured inmates make court appearance.

Armed man arrested near US Capitol
Capitol Police arrested a man carrying a shotgun outside the Capitol building Friday, authorities said.

Amtrak deal with union averts strike
Amtrak said Friday it has reached a preliminary deal with nine labor unions averting a potentially devastating strike at the end of January.

Texas thriller: The runaway grand jury
The highest reaches of the Texas judicial system were consumed Friday by a real-life legal thriller that could be titled "The Runaway Grand Jury."

911 operator guilty of blowing off call
A jury convicted a 911 operator Friday of willful neglect of duty after authorities said she didn't take seriously a boy's calls to report his mother had collapsed. The mother was found dead three hours after the first call.

Captured inmates make court appearance
Two inmates returned Friday to the scene of their daring Hollywood-style escape last month, which also led to the suicide of one of their guards.

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