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USA UK and Malta News
11/02/2008 - 23:47

USA today Editoweb, 11 feb. 2008

FBI raids house in Chinese spy case - Virginia: Obama 55% Clinton 37% - McCain rejects primary public funds - Record cold for northern Minn.: 40 below - AP Poll: Method, questions and results.

FBI raids house in Chinese spy case
A Defense Department analyst and a former engineer for Boeing Co. were charged Monday in separate spy cases for allegedly handing over military secrets to the Chinese government, the Justice Department said. Additionally, two immigrants from China and Taiwan accused of working with the defense analyst were arrested after an FBI raid Monday morning on a New Orleans home where one of them lived.

Virginia: Obama 55% Clinton 37%
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Virginia shows Barack Obama leading Hillary Clinton by eighteen percentage points. Obama earns 55% of the vote while Clinton attracts 37%. The demographic divisions are similar to those seen in other states. Obama leads among white men while Clinton leads among white women. Overall, the two contenders are even among white voters while Obama leads 72% to 22% among African-Americans. Clinton leads among senior citizens while Obama has the edge among younger voters.

McCain rejects primary public funds
Sen. John McCain, a passionate advocate of limits on campaign finances, is turning down government matching funds for the primary to free him to spend more money as he prepares for a general election contest. McCain, who appears headed to win the Republican presidential nomination, sent letters to the Federal Election Commission and the Treasury Department notifying them of his decision to withdraw from the presidential election financing system.

Record cold for northern Minn.: 40 below
It lived up to its name: The temperature in International Falls fell to 40 below zero Monday, just a few days after the northern Minnesota town won a federal trademark making it officially the "Icebox of the Nation." It was so cold that resident Nick McDougall couldn't get his car trunk to close after he got out his charger to kick-start his dead battery. By late morning, the temperature had risen all the way to 18 — below zero.

AP Poll: Method, questions and results
The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on the 2008 presidential race was conducted Feb. 7-10, 2008, and is based on telephone interviews with a nationally representative random sample of 1,029 adults from all states. The sample included 520 people who identified themselves as Democratic or who lean toward the Democratic Party, and 357 people who identified themselves as Republican or who lean toward the Republican Party. Digits in the phone numbers dialed were generated randomly to reach households with unlisted and listed landline numbers.

News from Yahoo news
J. B. / Source Web
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