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USA UK and Malta News
29/04/2008 - 21:17

USA Today Editoweb 29 April 2008

Obama says he's outraged by former pastor's comments - Obama says rivals Clinton, McCain pandering on gas tax - McCain seeks tax credit to help buy health insurance.

Obama says he's outraged by former pastor's comments

Democrat Barack Obama said Tuesday he was outraged and appalled by the latest comments from his former pastor, who asserted that criticism of his fiery sermons is an attack on the black church and the U.S. government was responsible for the creation of the AIDS virus.
News from Yahoo News

Obama says rivals Clinton, McCain pandering on gas tax

Democrat Barack Obama dismissed his rivals' calls for national gas tax holiday as a political ploy that won't help struggling consumers. Hillary Rodham Clinton said his stance shows he's out of touch with the economic realities faced by ordinary citizens.

McCain seeks tax credit to help buy health insurance

Republican John McCain wants to change how people get their health insurance, shifting away from job-based coverage to an open market where people can choose from competing policies.

Heated campaign souring Democrats on rival candidates

Loyal Democrat Richard Somer says if Hillary Rodham Clinton gets his party's presidential nomination, he just may sit it out this Election Day.
A Barack Obama supporter, Somer says he has been repulsed by her use of "slimy insinuations" in the campaign. He especially disliked her attacking the Illinois senator for his relationship with William Ayers, a former Weather Underground radical with provocative views.

News from Yahoo News
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