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USA UK and Malta News
25/04/2008 - 21:30

USA Today, Editoweb 25 April 2008

Obama ex-pastor says was unfairly painted a fanatic - Obama presses on gas prices, Clinton hits on debates - Abbas says no progress in talks with Bush.

Obama ex-pastor says was unfairly painted a fanatic

Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, said in excerpts from an interview released on Thursday that people airing snippets of his fiery sermons were trying to paint him as "some sort of fanatic."

Obama presses on gas prices, Clinton hits on debates

Democrat Barack Obama on Friday blamed high gasoline prices on Washington and a political establishment that he says hasn't stood up to oil companies, his two rivals for the presidency included.

McCain teams up with former rival Huckabee in Arkansas

Republican presidential candidate John McCain and former rival Mike Huckabee teamed up on the campaign trail for the first time on Friday, with Huckabee joking that they were so civil when they were opponents they don't have to "unsay" any bad things.

Obama has a punctuation problem

Barack Obama's real opponent now is not Hillary Rodham Clinton. It is a pair of punctuation marks.The first is a question. The second is an asterisk.
Both threaten to hover over Obama if he wins the Democratic nomination without confronting and defeating the doubts Clinton has raised about his political strength beyond his electoral base of African-Americans and upscale whites.

Today on the presidential campaign trail

Obama criticizes high gas prices, Clinton presses Obama for more debates ... McCain joins former rival Huckabee in Arkansas on campaign tour ... Poll: Obama, Clinton running tight race in the Hoosier State ... Reid, Pelosi send word to Democratic superdelegates: Make up your minds before the convention

Abbas says no progress in talks with Bush

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he failed to achieve any progress in Middle East peace talks with President Bush and he's returning home with little to show for his visit.
In an interview with The Associated Press on Friday, the Palestinian leader sounded pessimistic about the prospects of achieving any deal with Israel this year, despite a big U.S. push that began five months ago at a summit in Annapolis, Maryland.

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