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USA UK and Malta News
21/07/2008 - 22:28

USA Today Editoweb 21 july 2008

Obama in Iraq: Withdrawal support but no timetable - McCain says Obama still wrong on Iraq, Afghanistan - Bush gives US Olympians a rousing send-off

Obama in Iraq: Withdrawal support but no timetable

Face to face with Iraq's leaders, Barack Obama gained fresh support Monday for the idea of pulling all U.S. combat forces out of the war zone by 2010. But the Iraqis stopped short of actual timetables or endorsement of Obama's pledge to withdraw American troops within 16 months if he wins the presidency.

McCain says Obama still wrong on Iraq, Afghanistan

KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine - Republican Sen. John McCain insisted on Monday that he has been consistently right on both Iraq and Afghanistan while Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama "has been completely wrong."

Bush gives US Olympians a rousing send-off

President Bush gave U.S. Olympians a rousing White House send-off to next month's games in Beijing, urging them Monday to "compete swifter, higher and stronger" but also be mindful they will be "ambassadors of liberty" to the people of China and elsewhere.

Bush: Congress could take steps to ease gas prices

Responding to Americans' anger over gas prices and the housing bust, President Bush is stepping up pressure on Congress to open up offshore oil exploration and work to restore confidence in the housing finance industry.

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