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USA UK and Malta News
16/07/2008 - 20:03

USA Today Editoweb 16 july 2008

Obama predicts black voter increase, Southern wins - Obama warns against 'fighting the last war' - McCain at NAACP pledges more education options.

Obama predicts black voter increase, Southern wins

If Barack Obama's historic campaign to become the first black president boosts black turnout as drastically as he predicts, he could crack decades of Republican dominance across the South.

Obama warns against 'fighting the last war'

Democrat Barack Obama warned Wednesday about the danger of "fighting the last war" as he pledged to focus on emerging nuclear, biological and cyber threats if elected president.

McCain at NAACP pledges more education options

John McCain told the NAACP and some skeptical black voters Wednesday that he will expand education opportunities, partly through vouchers for low-income children to attend private school.

Bush claims executive privilege on CIA leak

President Bush has asserted executive privilege to prevent Attorney General Michael Mukasey from having to comply with a House panel subpoena for material on the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity.

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