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USA UK and Malta News
23/03/2008 - 23:22

UK today Editoweb, 23 march 2008

Archbishop attacks greed - Rise In Guns, Knives And Drugs At School - China "seriously concerned" by Brown-Dalai Lama meeting - JK Rowling Admits Suicidal Thoughts.

Archbishop attacks greed
The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned against nations' greed for oil, power and territory in his Easter Sunday sermon. Dr Rowan Williams told worshippers at Canterbury Cathedral to let go of their "selfish, controlling, greedy habits". He said: "We face a culture in which the thought of death is too painful to manage. "Individuals live in anxious and acquisitive ways, seizing what they can to provide a security that is bound to dissolve, because they are going to die. "Societies or nations do the same."

Rise In Guns, Knives And Drugs At School
Growing numbers of pupils are being caught with drugs and weapons at school, a report has warned. A core of schools saw a significant increase in children with guns, knives and illegal substances during the past seven years, the Warwick University study found. Teachers warned the trend was not restricted to gangs in large cities, as provincial towns and rural areas also saw more youngsters arming themselves with weapons for "protection".
Teachers have threatened Gordon Brown with a campaign of strikes over pay and class size. The National Union of Teachers, Britain's biggest teaching union, will prepare its members for a ballot on strikes in England and Wales after attacking Government policy at its annual conference. The union is already due to ballot its members on a one-day strike over pay on April 24. But delegates in Manchester passed a motion for a ballot "at the earliest opportunity" for more industrial action.

China "seriously concerned" by Brown-Dalai Lama meeting
China said on Wednesday it was seriously concerned by a statement from Prime Minister Gordon Brown that he would meet exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama when he visits Britain in May. China's Foreign Ministry urged Britain to understand the Dalai Lama's "true face" and offer no support, reported Xinhua news agency, monitored in London. "China is seriously concerned about the message (Brown's remarks on his willingness to meet the Dalai Lama)," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said, according to Xinhua.

JK Rowling Admits Suicidal Thoughts
Harry Potter author JK Rowling has admitted she felt suicidal following the breakdown of her first marriage. The writer received cognitive behavioural therapy after contemplating killing herself in the aftermath of her separation from Portuguese journalist Jorge Arantes. "Mid-twenties life circumstances were poor and I really plummeted," she said in an interview with Adeel Amini for Edinburgh University's Student newspaper. "The thing that made me go for help... was probably my daughter. "She was something that earthed me, grounded me, and I thought, this isn't right, this can't be right, she cannot grow up with me in this state."

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J. B. / Source Web
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