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USA UK and Malta News
15/01/2008 - 20:56

UK today, Editoweb, 15 jan 2008

Bad Weather: England Braces Itself For Floods; Brothers' Tribute To Mum And Sister Murdered By Cop; Britain's Tesco boycotts Uzbekistan cotton; Balls calls for 'highest standards'; Russia, Britain in slanging match over cultural centres.

Bad Weather: England Braces Itself For Floods
Over 70 flood warnings have been issued as heavy rain continues to sweep across England and Wales.

Brothers' Tribute To Mum And Sister Murdered By Cop
Two brothers have paid tribute to their mother and sister, both of whom are believed to have been murdered by a police inspector.

Britain's Tesco boycotts Uzbekistan cotton
Britain's biggest retailer Tesco on Tuesday said the use of forced child labour in Uzbekistan meant it would no longer buy the country's cotton to make its clothes.

Balls calls for 'highest standards'
The Government must maintain "the highest standards in public life", a senior Cabinet minister warned as Peter Hain continued to face questions over undeclared donations to his Labour deputy leadership campaign.

Russia, Britain in slanging match over cultural centres
A war of words over two British cultural centres in Russia heated up Tuesday with Moscow accusing Britain of "colonial" nostalgia after it refused orders to shut the offices.

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