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USA UK and Malta News
23/03/2010 - 20:06

UK & USA Today Editoweb 23 March 2010

Bodyguard claims doctor stopped CPR - Israeli diplomat expelled in passport row - Israel condemned in passports row.

UK & USA Today Editoweb 23 March 2010
 Bodyguard claims doctor stopped CPR

Dr Conrad Murray stopped CPR on Michael Jackson so he could hide drug vials, a bodyguard has claimed.

Israeli diplomat expelled in passport row

Britain has asked for an Israeli diplomat to be withdrawn from the UK following the use of cloned British passports by a Mossad hit squad.

Israel condemned in passports row

Britain has announced the expulsion of an Israeli diplomat after concluding Tel Aviv forged the UK passports used by the killers of a Hamas commander.

British Airways Strikes Back Over Schedules

British Airways has expanded its flight schedules for Unite's strike period later this month because of cabin crew "wishing to work as normal".

BA to run more flights in strike

British Airways plans to expand its flight schedule for the second wave of strikes by its cabin crew from this weekend, the airline announced.

Darling preparing 'sensible' Budget

Alistair Darling will deliver his final Budget before the election on Wednesday, under pressure to convince the markets he is serious about cutting Britain's record deficit while offering Labour MPs some pre-polling day cheer.

FTSE hits 21-mth closing high

The top shares rose 0.5 percent on Tuesday, hitting a fresh 21-month closing high, led by commodity and banking stocks, as fears over monetary tightening effects ebbed and boosted by corporate updates.

Beaming Obama signs historic $938 billion overhaul

A beaming President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed a historic $938 billion health care overhaul that guarantees coverage for 32 million uninsured Americans and will touch nearly every citizen's life, presiding over the biggest shift in U.S. domestic policy since the 1960s and capping a divisive, yearlong debate that could define the November elections.

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