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USA UK and Malta News
24/06/2008 - 19:19

UK Today Editoweb 24 June 2008

British soldier dies in Afghanistan - Council workers in two-day strike - £6m trial hit by anonymity ruling.

British soldier dies in Afghanistan

A British soldier has been killed during an engagement with the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has said.

Council workers in two-day strike

Local authority workers are set to take two days of strike action next month in a bitter row over pay which will cripple council services.

£6m trial hit by anonymity ruling

Urgent moves are under way to bring in new laws to protect witnesses after a £6 million trial was stopped because of a "catastrophic" legal ruling.

Rape allegation untrue, says Leslie

Former Blue Peter presenter John Leslie has insisted that a new rape allegation against him is "totally untrue".

Man held after fatal fuel raid

A 21-year-old man has been arrested by detectives investigating the death of a farmer's wife who collapsed after a diesel raid at her home.

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