USA UK and Malta News
15/02/2012 - 21:06

Malta news: political crisis’ effects

Malta news: political crisis’ effects - Draft Tourism Policy: Increasing tourist numbers during shoulder months - Unions at loggerheads over political crisis’ effects - Judge orders man to follow first-aid course.

Malta news: political crisis’ effects
Draft Tourism Policy: Increasing tourist numbers during shoulder months
Tourism Minister Mario de Marco has again stressed the need for more restaurants serving authentic Maltese food, as well as the need to preserve and promote the heritage of small localities among tourists. Presenting the draft tourism policy for the coming five years, Dr de Marco said: “Tourists are bound to enjoy aspects of culture and heritage throughout the year, not only during the summer months.” This aspect and a number of others mentioned in the draft policy document – which will be open for public consultation over the next four weeks – are aimed at improving tourist numbers during the winter and shoulder months. The policy states: “The current stock of 45,000 beds, the airlines that operate to Malta, as well as the thousands of restaurants, retail outlets and business enterprises which rely mainly on the tourist trade and the thousands of people engaged in this sector or who are dependant on tourism activity demand that current levels of tourism numbers are maintained if not increased somewhat. “There is little room or scope for increase during the summer months. However, as far as hotel occupancy levels and airline seat-load factors are concerned, there is still room for improvement during the winter and shoulder months.” Dr de Marco also referred to Valletta’s bid for the title of European Capital of Culture in 2018, saying that will serve as a unique opportunity to showcase the country’s culture and heritage.(independent.com.mt) It is obvious that for a tourist island like Malta, tourism is a sector to be nurtured even in winter.

Unions at loggerheads over political crisis’ effects
Members of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) have expressed different reactions to this morning's two-hour meeting of the MCESD. This morning, the MCESD met with the Minister for Public Dialogue Chris Said on insistence of several unions following the political crisis which afflicted the party in government. Speaking to MaltaToday, GWU secretary general Tony Zarb said, "the current instability caused by the political crisis is negatively affecting the economy". He said that employers were holding back collective agreements, while local and foreign investors were being highly cautious.(maltatoday.com.mt) Yet the echoes of the Maltese population are any other, everyone likes to say that the political crisis is well and truly over.

Judge orders man to follow first-aid course
A man was today ordered by a court to follow a first aid course as a two-year prison sentence was converted into community service. Jonathan Farrugia, 23, had been sentenced to jail for seriously injuring a man in a Paceville fight on June 20, 2004 at around 3.30 a.m.  During appeal proceedings, defence lawyer Giannella de Marco argued that the injuries suffered by the victim were not that serious, despite being permanent. She also held that magistrate’s court had carried out a somewhat superficial appreciation of the evidence by believing everything the victim said. Mr Justice David Scicluna found that the injuries were not serious in nature and ruled that instead of a jail term it would be better for the accused to pay for his mistake by giving back to the community and compensating the victim.(timeofmalta.com.mt) This is what the law provides, therefore, nothing more legitimate.

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